
Staying Away From Being Skinny FAT in 3 EASY Steps!!!

By Alpro Pharmacy

February 5, 2018


There is a pre-conception believes that ALL slim people overall is healthier.

What is “Skinny Fat?”

Skinny fat refers to someone who has a weight and BMI normal for his or her height, but has much more fat than (or not enough muscle mass) that is recommended for optimal health. It appears skinny on the outside, but internally, body composition is unbalanced.

Skinny fat can be a serious medical condition because he or she might have too much visceral fat. According to Harvard Medical School, visceral fat is linked with elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and insulin resistance leading to type-2 diabetes. Higher body fat percentage may affect our bone health which put people at higher risk of osteoporosis, especially for women who reached menopausal stage.

BMI normal does not mean 100% healthy.

Use a BIA (Body Impedance Analysis) device to check if you are skinny fat!

BIA (Body Impedance Analysis) devices measure body composition by passing small electric currents through the body. They are quick, easy to use and fairly accurate.

The recommended ranges for healthy men and women are as below:

How do people become skinny fat?

Hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances and certain medications may cause skinny fat. However, do watch out that diet high in carbohydrates, sugar and fats with little or no effort for exercising are the main culprit for gaining fat mass. Works which involved long seating such as office workers are at risk of skinny fat.

Staying Away from Being Skinny Fat in 3 easy Steps

1. Limit Processed Foods (Go for food that is as natural as possible)

Use “MY HEALTHY PLATE” concept for 1/4 of carbs (e.g. bread, rice, noodles, biscuits) on the round plate;

Try to switch any refined carbs (e.g. bread, rice) to brown and whole meal varieties.

Don’t cut out carbs completely though, as your body still needs them as source of energy for brain function and daily activities. It is also where most fiber comes from. You just need to be smart about it. Aim to get most of your carbs from fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

2. Eat Rainbow Colours of Fruits & Vegetables

Different colours provide different varieties of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Aim for 2 serves of fruits and at least 3 serves of Vegetables a day.

Tips to top up more vegetables:

Add vegetables when you have an omelette.
When you are eating at hawkers, ask for more vegetables
Pack them in lunch and dinner as much as you can.


3. Opt for Healthy fat

Olive oil: Toss your greens salad/ spaghetti/dressing with olive oil etc.
Virgin coconut oil: Good substitution for (light) sautéing dishes etc.

Other healthy fat sources: Avocado, handful of nut/seed a day, salmon, mackerel and tuna (at least 2 servings of fish a week) etc.
Proper usage of healthy fat is the key; it is best used as substitution in meals. It is considered as extra calories and fats which may lead to weight gain when using as an add-on manner.

Take home message

In a nutshell, if you are serious about getting results, then it is definitely worth investing time and effort into yourself. You may also visit a nutritionist or dietitian to go further details into your diet plan and for any doubt. “You are what you eat”. It is important to consciously picking your choice of foods everyday while incorporating exercise as part of your daily routine for optimal health.

So, now you know the facts. Just because someone looks skinny, not definitely suggest that they are healthy. 
Don’t aspire to be skinny, aspire to be healthy
Because at the end of the day, health is always more attractive, priceless.

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