
One-to-One Review Session

By Our Qualified Pharmacists



Seek Professional Help

For Your Daily Consumption

We provide face to face consultations between the pharmacist and consumer on the medication use. This service is specially designed to help you to clear all your doubt on your medication, from the proper storage to side effects of the medicine. It ensures that you understand your medicine and improve your medication safety and adherence.

Taking Multiple Medications

Has Never Been Easier

Medicheck is a service that specifically designed for people who are taking multiple medications or health supplements. It is a comprehensive review of all the medications that you are taking including prescribed medications, OTC medicine, health supplements as well as traditional and complementary medicine.

  • Comprehensive Review of Your Medication Profile
  • Learn the Do’s and Don’ts When Taking Your Medication
  • Improve Effective Use of Medication
  • Minimize Adverse Effect from Medication

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Wherever You Are

In need of a quick solution, instant medical advice or second opinion on your
health-related matters? Feel free to start a chat with our friendly pharmacists.

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