
Unigloves W.o.w Bandage 5cmx4m 12s



Unigloves W.o.w Bandage 5cmx4m 12s

18 reviews Sold: 142

Original price was: RM8.80.Current price is: RM8.00. -9%

Availability: 82 in stock

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Availability: 82 in stock

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Product Details
Size (cm)
11(L) x 3.5(W) x 5(H)
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Product Description

The White Open Wove cotton bandage is ideal for securing wound dressings in place. The bandage does not contain elastic and will not constrict wounds.

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4.89 out of 5 stars

18 reviews




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  1. Tang

    Selamat sampai. Alhamdulillah. Tak ada pecah apa. Penghantaran laju. Terima kasih.

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  2. Kelly

    penghantaran sangat cepat dua hari lepas harini dah sampai. Muroh dooh. Will repeat again.

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  3. Lu

    Sangat lembut dan sangat bagus untuk kaki tangan dan lutut sagat bagus thank you Alpro i like itttttt!!

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  4. Iris

    penghantaran pantas..kualiti produk sangat baik…….

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  5. Charlotte

    Penghantaran cepat. kualiti cantik dan bagus sekali

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  6. Angela

    Thank youuu Soo muchhh Alprorr. item received in good condition

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  7. Amanda

    Good products quality great values for money.. 100% satisfied fully recommended.. Tqvm Alpro.

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  8. Emma

    kualitiiiii baranggggg baik hargaaaaa berpatutannn perhantarannnnn boleh gagah

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  9. Nicole

    Very fast delivery, product same like description. Nice Alpro.

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  10. Xu

    Received the goods with many thanks, fast delivery even to East Malaysia

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  11. Ivy

    barang selamat sampai..thanks Alpro….fast delivery….recommended..will come and buy again.

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  12. Caroline

    Barang diterima dalam keadaan baik.. pump pon berfungsi dgn baik

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  13. COCO

    Good peoduct quality. Good value for money….. excellent service

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  14. Wu

    Penghantaran cepat , semoga bermanfaat dan dimudahkan urusan bersalin saya nanti

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  15. Vicky

    Semalam order Semalam pos Hari ni sampai dah.. Terbaikk.. Thanks Alpro, laju gila

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  16. linda

    Penghantran pantas.. barang berkualiti..terbaik..terima kasih Alpro

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  17. wendy

    Items received in good condition. Good packaging Thank you Alpro

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  18. Anna

    Fast delivery, item wrapped in good condition, suitable for young kids.

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