
Franch Oil Nh 120ml

Franch Oil Nh 120ml
Franch Oil Nh 120ml
Franch Oil Nh 120ml


Franch Oil Nh 120ml

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Original price was: RM19.65.Current price is: RM17.70. -10%

Availability: 190 in stock

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Availability: 190 in stock

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Product Description

Franch Oil Nh 120ml

Burns, Wounds, Mosquito Bites

Franch OIL NH* is a multipurpose Ayurvedic traditional medicine. This traditional formulation is manufactured using advanced modern technology to produce an effective, easy-to-use medicine for our daily healthcare. Franch OIL NH* is a combination of COLD PRESSED EXTRACTION of Ricinus Cummunis Linn seed, Ricinus Cummunis Linn root, and the extract of Ocimum Sanctum.
COLD PRESSED EXTRACTION - this advanced extraction method preserves the medicinal properties of the herbs which promotes effective NATURAL HEALING (NH*). NATURAL HEALING (NH*) - is the unique ability of Franch OIL NH* to enhance the body'™s own Healing Mechanism to Promote Healing and the benefit of this is that there are NO SIDE EFFECTS.
Unique Properties of Franch Oil NH* Being a multi-spectrum oil, it is – Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal and Anti-microbial. It also has Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic and Wound healing properties. Franch OIL NH* promotes cell regeneration laterally and vertically (layer by layer) throughout the entire wound rather than the normal peripheral cell regeneration. By this action it reduces (minimizes) 'œscar tissue formation'. It enhances the bodies own '˜healing mechanism to work more efficiently (therefore No Side Effects). The nicotinic acid present in the Franch OIL NH* acts as a haemostatic (stops bleeding) and cicatrizing agent especially for burns, wounds, sores, etc. Franch OIL NH* also has the unique ability to expel all foreign matter from within the skin cells and the ability to put elasticity back into the cells. Man'™s relationship with natural and herbal medicines dates back to more than 5,000 years. Natural and herbal based health and beauty products are fast gaining popularity and acceptance worldwide.

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