
Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel

Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar GelDermatix Ultra 15g | Scar GelDermatix Ultra 15g | Scar GelDermatix Ultra 15g | Scar GelDermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel
Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel
Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel
Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel
Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel
Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel
Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel


Dermatix Ultra 15g | Scar Gel

124 reviews Sold: 571

Original price was: RM105.69.Current price is: RM94.90. -10%

Availability: 148 in stock

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Availability: 148 in stock

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Product Description

Dermatix Ultra 15g

Dermatix Ultra Gel is an advanced scar formula that is proven effective in the management of scars. It works on scars caused by a variety of incidences. These may include scars resulting from surgery, burn, cuts, scratches, insect bites etc.

Features of Surgical Scar Care

Dermatix Surgical Scar Care is manufactured with innovative silicone gel technology including cyclopentaxiloxanes (CPX) which imparts a soft and silky feel. CPX is a new generation film forming elastomer that offers the characteristics of excellent spreadability, quick drying, improved durability and wash off resistance that further enhance flattening and softening of scars.

Direction of Use for Surgical Scar Care

Firstly, Clean the affected area with mild soap and water then pat dry. Then, Place a pea size amount at the tip of the scar and gently spread thinly over the whole affected area. After that, A pea size is sufficient to cover a 6-inch scar. Allow to dry for about 1-2 minutes. Once dry, Dermatix Ultra Gel will cover with cosmetics or sunscreen. Lastly, Apply the gel twice daily (morning and evening) on clean, dry and intact skin only.

Ingredients of Surgical Scar Care

Cyclic and polymeric siloxanes and vitamin C ester.

Contra Indication of Surgical Scar Care

Generally Dermatix Ultra Gel does not cause irritation, redness or pain. If any side effect occurs, consult your pharmacist or physician immediately.

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4.73 out of 5 stars

124 reviews




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What others are saying


    This was prescribed by doctor. It does lightening surgery scars.

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  2. Alicia

    this gel tak melekit and absorb really fast

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  3. Syasya

    my fav scar gel

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  4. Nabilah

    The price here more affordable than tempat lain

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  5. Ummi Amiza

    mmg bantu hilangkan parut, parut eksiden sy makin kurang setiap hari

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  6. Carmen

    this scar gel really help to reduce my scar that very obvious!!

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  7. Ameena

    This gel tak melekit and it works on me!

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  8. Fii

    luv dis sbb kurangkan parut2 degil i~

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  9. Shanaya

    Received the parcel, very fast!

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  10. Thuaibah Harun

    Love how this product can reduce my parut!

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  11. Farah

    easy to apply and fast dry

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  12. Melody

    Easy to apply comfortable texture and fast dry. But the portion is no enough for large scar, it might need to buy extra to apply it. Overall my tummy surgery scar seem like have getting diluted (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  13. Eva

    Awesome product. Been using for a month, post surgery scar getting improving, lightening and flattening (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  14. Siti Aishah

    baru-baru ni jari saya luka dalam kebetulan sample dermatix baru sampai sy pakai hari-hari malam dan pagi alhamdulilah cepat kering luka lepastu sekarng sudah tumbuh kulit baru ..memang sangat bagus dermatix ni saya syorkan setiap rumah wajib ada dermatix ni. Parut pon tak nampak dah memang bagus sangat . (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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    Dermatix Ultra terbaik.
    Parut-parut saya semakin hari semakin pudar.
    Krim ini ringan, mudah disapu dan cepat kering.
    Terima kasih Dermatix Ultra bagi peluang kepada saya. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  16. athirah

    dermatix sangat berkesan menghilangkan parut saya..parut chicken pox dan parut burn sy telah pudar setalah menggunakan dermatix (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  17. Yan

    Dermatic ultra sangat senang digunakan & sangat berkesan untuk memudarkan parut Luka.

    Perlu digunakan secara consistent untuk dapatkan hasil yg maksimum.
    (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  18. Nor Ain

    Saya akan memggunakan krim ini Kerana ia sungguh berkesan (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  19. NUR AIMI

    Dermatix sangat bagus dan dapat memudarkan parut saya dengan begitu cepat sekali dan saya amat menyukai produk ini kerana dapat menambahkan keyakinan diri saya untuk tampil di depan orang ramai tanpa menutup kesan parut lagi.
    (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  20. Hazreen

    Saya mempunyai parut di siku akibat terjatuh , apabila saya dapat , saya terus memakainya ! selama 2 minggu parut saya sudah pon pudar ,, sekarang saya masih lagi memakainya ! (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  21. Azie

    sgt selesa dpkai dan tidak melekit…sesuai untuk emua jenis kulit…. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  22. Norasyikin

    Dermatix sangat berkesan pada parut.gel yang cepat meresap ke dalam kulit membuatkan bahagian kulit berasa lembut (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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    produk yg sangt best dan berkesan memudarkan parut
    (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  24. Ainie

    Saya konsisten gunakan sehati 2kali selama 4minggu nampak perubahan pada parut makin pudar (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  25. Nan

    Bagus. Produk ini berkesan untuk saya . Harga murah dan berbaloi (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  26. Norasmah

    Saya telah gunakannya selama 4 minggu dan saya dapati ianya berkesan dalam memudarkan parut serta kulit lebih halus. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  27. Anis

    Sepanjang penggunaan Dermatix saya sedar parut di anggota badan saya semakin berkurang (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  28. Hani

    sangat berkesan memudar dan melembutkan parut , ia juga cepat kering dan tidak berminyak . (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  29. Nur

    Sangat berkesan dan membantu mengurangkan parut pada kulit… (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  30. Syahirah

    tidak melekit, cpt kering, took almost 3 weeks to show result (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  31. Suzana

    Gel senang sapu.parut sy di tapak tangan JD sy Cuma sapu sekali sehari waktu mlm.siang sy masak dan membasuh.skrg Parut sy sudah menipis.. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  32. Ekin

    Parut semakin pudar, keyakinan diri meningkat, tiada lagi kesan parut pada kulit. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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    Saya meggunakan di parut ceaser saya yang menjadi keloid yang sangat tebal. Selepas 2 minggu saya menggunakan dermatix ultra memang sangat menunjukkan perubahan yang sangat ketara. Parut keloid saya dah mengecil dan saya akan menggunakan sampai keloid saya hilang. Memang tak rugi kalau anda ingin mencuba dermatix ultra. Memang yakin menjadi. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  34. Siti mariam

    Dermatix ultra sangag bagus untuk menghilangkan parut,sama ada parut baru atau lama ia sangat berkesan . (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  35. Nazzihah

    Selepas seminggu sy gunakan dermatix ,parut sy sudah nampaj pudar . Sangat berpuas hati (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  36. Gan

    Efficient but maybe take time for very scar. Will continue to use to see the final outcome. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  37. Syaidatul

    Produk yang sngat mudah digunakan dan sangat berkesan (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  38. Karimah

    Dermatix ultra sangat bagus untuk pudarkan parut seperti melecur, pembedahan bersalin, kesan luka lama dan lain2. Kesan dapat dilihat selepas tiga minggu bergantung jenis parut. Ia sangat selesa disapu kerana tidak melekit. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  39. Nadia

    Saya merasakan parut hitam di muka saya mulai pudar seawal 2 minggu penggunaan secara kerap iaitu pada waktu pagi dan malam. Gel yang senang menyerap dan tidak meninggalkan kesan memudahkan saya untuk teruskan rutin penjagaan muka saya. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  40. Noradiba

    Setelah sebulan menggunakannya saya berpuas hati dan akan terus menggunakan gel ini sehingga parut luka saya benar-benar pudar (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  41. Ainal

    Dermatix ultra terbukti dapat memudarkan parut dalam 4 minggu dan ianya sangat cepat meresap dan tidak melekit. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  42. Norzaliza

    Texture nya tidak cair.tidak menitik.mudah di pakai.Untuk parut yang nipis nampak perubahan selepas minggu ke 3..tetapi untuk parut yang tebal sedikit tiada pengurangan.saya rasa untuk parut yang tebal mungkin memerlukan lapan minggu ke sebulan untuk menampakkan hasil.Apa pun,saya sangat suka dan akan terus pakai Dermatix Ultra pada kesan parut ditangan saya untuk hari-hari dan mingu-minggu yang akan datang. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  43. Nor azlina

    Dematix terbukti berkesan pada kulit saya..dalam 2 minggu telah ada perubahan di wajah saya. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  44. norliza sidi

    Jom mencuba produk dramatik ultra untuk lebih keyakinan diri,parut yang susah hilang kini mudah dengan pengunaan produk dramatik ultra dengan konsisten. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  45. ezaya

    Sejak pertama kali penggunaan sya dapati gel ini mudah meneyerap. Tak perlu guna pada quantity yang banya. Hanya sedit saja. Pengunaan sehari 2kali, berkesan memudarkan parut czer kesan bersalin baru 6bulan. Gel dermatix ini berkesan , tidak meninggalakn rasa pedih. Product ini juga berpatutan dan mudah didapati. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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    dermatix telah mengubah hidup saya.saya berasa yakin selepas mengunakannya. semakin lama semakin pudar parut saya dan bertambah keyakinan diri saya. dengan formulasi tidak berminyak dan tidak meninggalkan kesan pada baju. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  47. Dhiya

    It easy to use and dry quickly into my skin..llallaksjhdd (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  48. Ruhil Amal

    Super effective! I use at pimple scar, and within 2 weeks, it already gone! (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  49. Eyma

    Dermatix Ultra is the best product for scars. It was totally worth it! (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  50. Nur amirah

    Dermatix berkesan memudarkan dan merawat parut yang gelap. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  51. nurul

    selepas mencuba mengunakan dermatic ini ternyata ianya sangat berkesan dalam memudarkan parut parut yang ada pada saya (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  52. norsyafiqah

    Dermatix Ultra sangat berkesan menghilangkan parut di tangan saya.. terima kasih kerana telah memberi sample untuk saya mencuba.. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  53. Ima

    Gel yang sangat mudah digunakan dan cepat kering. Selain itu, ianya terbukti berkesan dalam memudarkan parut jerawat saya. Love it ! (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  54. shaliza

    Everything going smooth with dermatix. Easy to bring. Effective to My skin (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  55. Jayaletchimi

    Im so much satisfied using Dermatix Ultra cream, and sure will recommended to my family members and friends.. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  56. Niena

    I had few scars due to motorcycle accident (10 years old scars) and a C-section operation (9 months old scar). Before Dermatix Ultra, the scars was thick and raised. After 2 weeks of application, the scars started to flatten, soften & lighten. Overall I am happy with the result and recommend to buy Dermatix Ultra for faster and guarantee result! (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  57. POH LING

    After applied this Dermatix Ultra for two weeks, my scar become more lighten and smoothen. Im highly recommended it. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  58. Siti haida

    Good for my scar after ceaser section..
    I use until now
    Very recommended ???? (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  59. Nur fatin

    You can noticed the difference after 1 week used..really recommended for those who have a scars.. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  60. Nurul huda

    This gel absorbs very quickly, it is not sticky, just use a little is enough. Based on my usage, new scars can fade 95% in 2 weeks if used consistently with other skincare. Scars of less than a year can fade 50% in 2 months of routine use with supportive skincare. But so far, the scars that have been >1 year old have not yet faded, they are just moist. Overall, I highly recommend this product because of all the semi-solid drug preparations, this is the only one that produces maximum results for me. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  61. Siti Hajar Aishah

    Dermatix is effective solution to help soften your long term scar and is very good for new scar disappeared innjust few weeks (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  62. AKMA

    Dermatix help me to remove my sizer scar after my operation. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  63. Adeline

    First try for the product on my cesarean scar m. After apply it, the scar is not itchy like previously. Besides, my scar start to flatten after 4 weeks apply it. I would highly recommend this product for those having big scar or cesarean as it really help to lighten the scar (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  64. Nur syuhada

    Kesan parut di wajah berkurangan dan rasa lebih yakin tanpa mekap di wajah (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  65. Nur Elina

    Sangat berkesan, guna dekat kesan pembedahan sangat2 berkesan, dah lama nak beli.. Nasib baik dapat free sample.. Terima kasih (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  66. Nurwazini

    Dermatix ultra tidak melekit dan cepat menyerap ke dalam kulit. Dalam 4 minggu ternyata kesan parut makin pudar. Recommended untuk semua orang gunakan dan percayakan brand ini. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  67. Nur Aisyah

    It has boost my confidence level after using it as my scars has gone lighten almost like my oldself before my motor accident (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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    Very good product to lighten&soften scars in my hands.I apply twice a day.After 4weeks,I can see the best results to lighten scar in my hands.TQ Dermatix (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  69. Atikah

    After using Dermatix Ultra my scar faded and brightened (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  70. Nur Aini

    I have post ceaser scar with my third baby,this product make me feel confident to walk because my scar feel strong and I can do my housework without worry. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  71. nurul

    Dermatix easy to apply, the tube small and easy to bring and keep it my handbag, proven to fade my scars. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  72. Jamie

    I use Dermatix day and night. My recent scar from pimples and minor wounds disappear quickly. In just 2 weeks, I can see the different. Redness reduce and the cream does not irritates my skin. I like the testure of the cream and it is not sticky. Easily absorb into my skin. However, for my 1 year old scar from oven burn, it has not shown any different yet. The product can be used for a long time as I only need to use a small amount for each application. So, I can continue use it on my burn scar even after a month of using. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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    It is easy to apply, not greasy and irritating, but soft, smooth and leaves a comfortable feeling. It does help to smooth out, whitening, and flattening the scar over times , you can also felt the warmish and tightening acting on your scar. Recommended. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  74. Boey

    It’s very easy to apply and fast dry,i don’t need to wait for a long time for the gel to dried up. It did not have sticky feeling after apply and able to see effect that the scar lighten. Good product, hopefully will fully lighten. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  75. Chang

    I see no difference after 4 weeks apply it.
    However, I’m thinking of continuing to use it, as i know the scar might need time.
    I have try many products for my scar, this product has no sensitive and I feel comfort to use it. I will continue to use it for 3 months to see the result. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  76. Intan

    Its easy to apply, not greasy, fast absorption & would say the best products for scar. Definitely will continue to use it once it finish. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  77. Akma

    Maybe kena ambil masa untuk pudarkan parut saya..tapi gel cepat menyerap (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  78. Shophia

    First time open don’t know from where, may improve this. I need to use a needle to open it.
    And then when I’m using this product, it was so easy to put on skin & quickly dry until I forgot to put anot.. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  79. Nhidayah

    Honestly easy to use, easily absorbed and non sticky. I love it! ?? (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  80. Rupi

    Good for skin and remove sunscreen
    Better than the other product. It can get it in anywhere. Love the product so much thank you for the amazing product! (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  81. Suliha

    proven to my skin lighten, soften and flatten scars. Really nice to absorb on my skin (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  82. Sum

    Product is good, dries fairly quick. However, I do not see much difference on the scar reduction after 4 weeks.
    I will continue to use them for another 4 more weeks, hopefully my scars will lighten (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  83. Venecia

    After using for 4 weeks, I realised my 2-year old csec keloid scar has flattened slightly, skin of the scar also smoother now. Previously I’ve been applying scar oil but no obvious result seen.
    I like the tube packaging, easy to squeeze out and apply. I find this gel really absorbs fast & well. Will definitely continue to use it! Hopefully able to further flatten my scar. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  84. Enni

    a good product to try and faded the scar on my skin in just 4 weeks (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  85. Nurul Syuhada

    Dermatix Ultra mudah digunakan, cepat meresap dan tidak mempunyai sebarang bau yang tidak menyenangkan. Memang sangat mudah digunakan untuk kegunaan harian. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  86. Deepashni

    I simply lover dermatix, it is easy to apply and less sticky. I have keloid scar which have faded . It haven totally disappear but there is improvement definitely and love the results. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  87. Emeline

    I had a C-section about 2 years ago which resulted in a raised (hypertropic) scar. After applying Dermatix Ultra consistently for 3 weeks twice a day, I noticed the colour of the scar changed from dark red to my skin colour. It also flattens the scar so I will continue to use it to further improve the scar appearance as my raised scar was quite bad to begin with. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  88. Dahlia

    saya sangat suka produk ini kerana berkesan, cepat meresap, tekstur yang ringan serta parut akan pudar. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  89. Nor Akma

    Perubahan yg ketara apabila menggunakan produk ni secara konsisten untuk menghilangkan parut kat tangan saya,sangat sesuai untuk kulit saya dan tak ada kesan sampingan pada kulit saya (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  90. Cynthia

    After using for 3weeks i found that my acne scars became noticeably lighter, i use it every morning before my daily makeup and it didn’t affect any of my makeup.
    Gel type texture easy to apply and absorbed fast. Really love it so i will keep using it in future and i believe that my acne scars will dissappear and i will become more confident and beautiful. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  91. Ka Yee

    Dermatix Ultra is easy to apply and it absorbs quickly. My scar has soften so much more and i will continue using it. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  92. Norazwana

    Penggunaan sangat mudah dan memudarkan parut sekitar 3 minggu. Terbaik! (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  93. Rosmaini

    Saya sangat berpuas hati dengan DERMATIX ULTRA.setelah menggunkannya selama 1 bulan parut terbakar di kaki saya semakin pudar setelah sy menggunakannya DERMATIX ULTRA secara dpt melihat perubahan parut dikaki saya.dan saya sangat mengsyorkan product ni kepada semua org yg ingin menghilangkan parut. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  94. Siti Azizah

    Best to use. Not oily. Scar was clear and skin become clear (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  95. Annushia

    I’ve been using Dermatix Ultra for a while now, and I am seeing great results. It’s not some overnight miracle, but with consistent use, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in the appearance of my scars. Plus, it’s easy to apply and doesn’t leave any greasy residue behind. Definitely worth giving it a shot if you’re looking to fade scars away. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  96. Nancy

    Non-greasy, easy to apply in a convenient packaging. My effective scar hero (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  97. Irene

    It’s easy to apply leaving non greasy feeling after. I noticed some improvement after applying diligently at about 3 weeks. Now my scar is much faded and boost my confidence level . (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  98. NurDania

    sangat senang untuk apply dan pergi kemana2 sebab senang kering (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  99. Elleen

    Dermatix Ultra gel is easy to apply and helps minimize the appearance of scars by fading redness and promoting a more even skin tone. I have been using this gel on fresh scars, twice a day for over a month, and I am so impressed with the results. I will definitely keep using it! Highly recommend it! (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  100. Anise

    After 4 weeks of usage, i can say Dermatix Ultra works well with light scars. I tested on light scars as well as my caesarian scar which now becoming like a thick keloid. The light scar gone after 3rd week while the keloid scar lightens and reduced in size after 4 weeks. I will continue purchasing this product to see more results (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  101. Ika

    Mengurangkn kesan parut dan mencerahkan parut melembutka
    n kulit (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  102. Amirah

    No more worried about scar. Even if you have scar after operation (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  103. maslina

    Been applying the gel to my daughters scar. iam very happy with the result. daughter feel more confident now that her scars are less visible. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  104. Nur fazlin

    I got scar after c-section. The scar more invisible after i apply for 4 weeks consistently. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  105. Jamie

    The scar is lighten after weeks and my doc also highly recommended this to apply right after surgery (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  106. Tuan Siti

    Dalam seminggu penggunaan sudah nmpk kesan yg baik. Parut semakin pudar, kulit juga lebih halus dan cerah. Sy takkan berpaling dari dermatix (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  107. Azmatun

    Dermatix Ultra give me new experience to my family,easy to use and not sticky.
    This product give me to confident to apply for my skin.
    Thanks dermatix Ultra for ur good product.
    (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  108. Mastura

    Hai ..saya Mas ingin berkongi pengalaman saya setelah mengunakan Dermatix Ultra . Ianya mudah serap pada kulit.. tidak berminyak dan sangat-sangat membantu saya dalam memudarkan parut di badan saya.. Dengan pengunaan dua Kali sehari saya mengamalkan dalam masa sebulan ianya sangat mengejutkan saya kerana parut itu kelihatan memudar . Sangat berkesan untuk memudarkan parut (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  109. Shahira

    Stretchmark di perut lps bersalin dh hilangg. Terbaik (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  110. Fadila

    berkesan ke atas parut kecil sy. nampak sedikit perubahan (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  111. Yasmin

    Good product quality. I’m already use and i love it. I can feel my scar begin to bright and faded. Also, i can feel the product absorb on my skin and feel smooth after use it. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  112. Jya qi

    After using Dermatix Ultra, a scar removal gel, I found my overall experience to be positive, though the results were not as pronounced as I had hoped. The application process was straightforward, and I appreciated the gel’s lightweight texture. However, the improvement in the appearance of my scars was not as significant as I anticipated. While I didn’t achieve the desired outcome, I acknowledge that individual results may vary. Despite this, I commend Dermatix Ultra for its easy application and hope others may find better success with it. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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    I loves using Dermatix Ultra gel because it’s fast absorb and it dries quickly in my skin. It also effective on me which my skin scars faded after 3 weeks uses (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  114. Grace

    Good smell and easy to apply,gentle to skin,definitely will refer to my friend and parents. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  115. Lee

    I didn’t expect much as I always forgot to apply it in the first week. However when I noticed the scar started to fade after the second week, it boosts up my confidence over the product and make sure I would apply it everyday. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  116. Michelle

    I did not apply it religiously for 4 weeks, I admit i missed a few days in between, but even so, I could actually see some difference. So It’s quite good (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  117. Ch’ng

    I try on this for 4 weeks, there are visible lighten on the scars (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  118. Ng

    I have follow the instructions to apply it twice a day, I can see my scar become lighten after 2 weeks. This is a great product and I will continue to use it. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  119. Nor Aisah

    After 4 weeks using Dermatix, suprised me that my scar is lighten already (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  120. Fadilah

    I like this advanced Scar Formula because i will get the effect in 2 weeks (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  121. Sem Yen

    The product is very effective and easy to apply, will continue to use this product for other scar (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  122. catherine

    it’s a good and effective product that helps to lighten and fade away my scar (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  123. Bevan

    After tried one week for this product, my scar became faded and smooth. Love it. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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  124. Kellie

    It is so easy apply n it is very effective with just only 4 applys you can see the difference. (Originally posted on Home Teste Club)

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