
Brands Innershine Pati Berry 6x42ml



Brands Innershine Pati Berry 6x42ml

160 reviews Sold: 173

Original price was: RM34.30.Current price is: RM31.70. -8%

Availability: 14 in stock

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Product Description

InnerShine Berry Essence is made from 7 types of berries – Blackcurrant, Blueberry, Chokeberry, Cranberry, Elderberry, Strawberry & Acai Berry from Europe and America. Not only packed with Vitamins A, C, E & zinc, these berries are also known for their high antioxidant levels, which help to protect the skin against free radical damage from UV exposure. Drink InnerShine Berry Essence to maintain overall well-being and help keep your skin protected from UV damage.

  • Blueberries – Contain anthocyanins to relieve tired eyes and improve blood circulation
  • Blackcurrants – Taste delicious, rich in Vitamin C and flavonoids
  • Cranberries – Abundant source of anthocyanins and anti-oxidants to protest against free radical damage
  • Chokeberries – Extremely concentrated in anti-oxidants to reduce risk of eye inflammation
  • Strawberries – Provide a wide range of anti-oxidants per eye protection, and potassium to stabilize eye pressure
  • Acai Berries – With high anthocyanins content to prevent capillary leakage and reduce fatigue
  • Elderberries – Excellent source of nutrients that benefits capillaries, veins, arteries, and connective tissues in eyes

Vitamin A

  • Helps reduce dry and wrinkle skin
  • Helps control acne problem

Vitamin C

  • Antioxidant – protect skin from free radical / UV damage
  • Slow down melanin production, for skin whitening

Vitamin E

  • Antioxidant – protect skin from free radical / UV damage
  • Slow down aging process


  • Antioxidant – protect skin from free radical / UV damage
  • Helps healing skin
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4.78 out of 5 stars

160 reviews




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What others are saying

  1. Fara

    Sedap ,diminum sejuk rse myegarkn . Kulit lebih lembut (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  2. Siti raihan

    10/10 sagt bagus puas hati degan rasa buah yg sagat pekat dan sedap (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  3. Nurul Farahshahilla

    Brands innershine sangat baik untuk meningkatkan keserian serta kesihatan kulit (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  4. Ana

    Saya dah cuba dan rasanya sangat sedap Serta membantu kulit saya menjadi lembut dan sihat secara menyeluruh. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  5. Ana

    Saya dah cuba. Sangat sedap apabila diminum sejuk. Kulit semakin lembut dan sihat. Saya rekomendasi kepada semua orang produk terbaik ini. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  6. Siti Nur Azizah

    Inners Shine membantu dalam mengembalikan tenaga saya , rasa segar bila di siang hari dan senang berpeluh. Tidak mudah penat dalam mengerjakan kerja rumah. Sebagai suri rumah. Saya sangat memerlukan supplement membantu memulihkan tenaga saya. Saya sangat berpuas hati dengan produk InnerShine ini. Saya akan terus mengamalkan produk ini. Terima Kasih Home Tester kerana memilih saya sebagai penguji produk ini. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  7. Rosmazianie

    Saya sangat menyukai brands innershine kerana sangat membantu proses penghadaman semasa confinement. Tidak mengganggu perut malah melembapkan kulit. Kulit perlahan2 glow dan tdk kering. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  8. suraidah

    tiap kali main fon mesti penglihatan tu kabur,tapi..lepas minum brands dah x kabur.brands betul2 membantu masalah ni (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  9. Zhafira Aisyah

    Brand innershine memberikan saya kulit berseri dan tidak kusam lagi. Penglihatan lebih terang berbanding sebelum ini. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  10. Siti

    Innershine membantu tubuh sy kembali bertenaga selepas seharian melakukan pekerjaan..
    Innershine juga membuatkan kulit sy kelihatan lebih sihat dan cantik. Sebelum ini kulit saya mengalami jerawat yg besar..selepas mengamalkan innershine selama 12 hari,jerawat sy mudah kecut..innershine sngt berkesan untk sy..rasanya juga sangat sedap dengan pati buah buahan..terima kasih innershine kerana memberi sy peluang mencuba produk ini.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  11. Leila

    1st expression saya , saya ingatkan perisa Mato Bright (tomato&lobak) tu rasa seperti sayuran .. Ternyata tidak , rasa dia sangat sedap seperti perisa buah-buahan . Sesuai utk orang yang tidak gemari sayuran untuk minum “BRAND’S InnerShine” utk perisa tomato&lobak . Selain rasanya yang enak , ia juga dapat merawat kulit wajah dan menyihatkan dalaman dan kecantikan luaran .. Kulit saya juga terasa lembut dan sihat .. Saya suka InnerShine … (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  12. HUDA

    BRAND’S InnerShine yang i dapat ialah mato bright. Rasa dia sedap dengan campuran pati prun,tomato dan lobak merah.percaya pada saya , saya tak makan tomato,tapi bila minum mato bright nie takde rasa tomato pun..rasa dia masam2 manis..mmg sedap..tambahan kalau you all semua letak dalam peti sejuk..kulit pun glowing,lembap dan anjal..toing..toing (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  13. Nurliza

    Minuman yang sangat mudah untuk diamalkan.tinggal minum sahaja..rasa pon sedap (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  14. Nur Zafirah

    Sejak menggunakan produk ini saya bertambah yakin untuk bergaul dengan rakan-rakan. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  15. Sera

    Innershine buatkan kulit saya cerah dan lembap. Selain itu , masalah sembelit jgk boleh diatasi dgn pengambilan inershine setiap hari. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  16. Khairiah

    Terima kasih HTC kerana memilih saya untuk mencuba innershine pati bery. Alhamdulillah, selepas beberapa hari mencuba kulit saya kelihatan lembap dan sihat dari sebelumnya (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  17. Eva faradillah

    Saya minum dengan mak ayah Dan suami saya. Mereka sangat menyukainya. Rasa yang sedap Dan senang d minum. Baik untuk badan Dan kesihatan diri. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  18. Nurhana

    Selama 12 hari rutin minum BRAND’S InnerShine Prune Essence ni memang ketara khasiatnya .Kecantikan seseorang bermula dari dalam, kalau jaga dalaman, sure dari luar kita dah nampak jelita bukan.Nak naik seri senang aje sekarang. Yang pasti korang hanya perlu amalkan sebotol sehari sebelum tidur atau di waktu awal pagi.
    Setelah hampir seminggu mengamalkannya sememangnya suka sangat nak berkongsi.Satu kotak mempunyai 12 botol,memang enak dan rasanya.innershine ni mujarab sebab dengan adanya kandungan vitamin c yang tinggi,nampak perubahan selepas minum innershine Kulit Jadi flawless,kulit bebas jerawat,memang kulit jadi lembut, muka berseri, jerawat kecil² dah tak naik, jerawat bawah dagu baru nk naik pon tak jadi naik…memang terbaik product ni…
    (betapa innershine mujarab betul untuk baiki kulit kita ) Dan nak raya ni jom la cantik bersama Innershine (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  19. insyirah

    Saya sangat berpuas hati dan akan terus mencuba produk ini (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  20. Samsuriana

    Selama 12 hari ujian bersama innershine banyak sangat mengubah hidup saya.Lepas melahirkan anak kulit saya sangat-sangat kusam dan kering.Macam-macam vitamin c saya cuba tak berkesan.Lepas mencuba innershine suka sangat sebab kulit sekarang kembali berseri dan lembap balik (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)


    pati brands memberi tenanga saya dan sistem penghadaman yang baik serta kulit yang tidak kusam (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  22. Zuriani

    Produk yang terbaik untuk cerahkan kulit memng terbaik (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  23. Nana aima

    enhances the natural protection of your skin against UV radiation, it support fair and unblemished skin. InnerShine Mato Bright™ protects skin against darkening, suitable for women who wants brighter skin. Added with Prune extract, it is high in fiber, helps remove toxin from body. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  24. Suhana

    Saya suka Brand’s Innershine ni. Pek purple perisa berry masam² yg sedap. Selepas makan secara konsisten akan rasa diri lebih bertenaga kulit semakin cantik dan selesa diperut. Untuk lebih menyegarkan lagi minum Innershine ni dingin. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  25. JJ

    I’m having short bedtime and usually only fall asleep at mid night which contributed to yellow facial skin tone due to bad blood circulation. I’m happy and appreciate for the chance given to taste Brand’s Inner Shine Prune. The prune essence is thick and full with natural fragrance without artificial smell. Besides, it is not too sweet which seem a very good diet for me.

    I’m happy the essence helps on bowel movement and leads to healthy intestine improve the regularity. I believe healthy intestine and the Vit E helps to brighten my skin. Just for your note, it is not whitening, but is brighten which make I looks more healthy than usual.

    Thank you Home tester and thank you Brand’s!
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  26. Mariam

    rasa pati buah yang asli,memang sedap dan saya akan jadikan innershine sarapan pagi untuk saya (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  27. Aaafan

    Oke boleh, rasa pure buahan dia, tapi tak boleh nak telan, rasa cam mna tah (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  28. Kee

    Brand’s InnerShine, especially Berry Essence has a nice and flavourful taste of berries. It is contains of 7 types of berries which make it unique in its taste and rich in vitamins for your skin. Berry Essence is best taken in the morning, after the breakfast as it is high in antioxidants for your younger looking skin and keep your skin protected from UV exposure. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  29. Jennifer

    My skin look bright after drinking Brand’s InnerShine. Taste abit sweet for me. But can taste from fruit essence. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  30. Nurul

    After i consume inner shine in 12 day it give my skin more healthy and radiant. It worth to try (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  31. Haida

    sedap mantap sangat puas hati dengan hasil yg sy dapat selepas amalkan innershine (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  32. Maya

    innershine terbaik..rase sedap dan perlu consisten sambung minum kalau nak result yg lebih baik (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  33. Ain nur

    My skin health improved after consuming BRAND’S® InnerShine. I am satisfied with the result after consuming it so I will continue to buy BRAND’S® InnerShine . (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  34. Munira

    Love the taste of the berries and feel so good after consuming it (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  35. Nur Asmat

    I can drink well, taste also good. I feel more refreshing. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  36. Nurul Ainul

    Brands good to drink n nice for my self i want to buy this (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  37. Zul

    Innershine the good product.. Insha Allah nk try produk lain plak (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  38. Misraton

    My skin very refreshing after consume Brand’s Innershine…. Very delicious fruits flavor….. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)


    Senang diminum. Sangat sesuai untuk saya yang berusia awal 30an. Muka berseri-seri selepas mengambil inner shine. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  40. Jenet

    The taste is good, but it doesn’t have much effect. My skin condition is still the same as before. It could be because the testing time was too short (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  41. Farah suhada

    thank you innershine.. i felt very confidence everyday and look soo young in and out (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  42. Zati

    Yummy sweet sour taste and creamy. Skin feel radiant and glowing after consume it. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  43. Stella

    I am really surprised with the result after consuming BRAND’s InnerShine for 12 days consecutively. I feel my skin is smoother, less pigmentation and more radiant than before! My bowel movement has become regular thus eliminates toxin effectively. I look forward to consuming BRAND’s InnerShine daily as it is very delicious. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to try BRAND’s InnerShine. #InnerShine #hometesterclubmy #hometesterclub #htcmyxbrandsinnershine (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  44. Lau

    I really like the prune essence! The tasty is so nice, after put into fridge, is taste much much nicer! After drink consecutive 12days, I really feel smoother when go go toilet and also skin consortium is brighter. Highly recommended! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  45. Farahiyah

    My first thought when I received the package, the packaging wow. The taste was nice and quit sour and tasty. So, was divide a bottle with two portion, so can enjoy after breakfast and lunch. I believe it need consume continuously so can see the result to keep our skin protected from UV exposure (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  46. Siti fairus

    It not just gove benefit to your skin but also help improves digestion. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  47. Jacelyn

    Brands has always been my choice of product from their chicken essence to now their latest product. Consuming it for a period of 12days made my skin feel more radiant, made me more fresh and energetic too. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  48. Ring

    I like the innershine Berry essence, it is easy to store and the taste is nice for me. Usually if we want to buy Berry from supermarket, the price for berry type is not cheap and is hard to store for long time. And with brands innershine Berry essence, it combine 7 different Berry and I can drink anytime I want. Each boxes have 12 bottles and I think that the price is quite okay if compare to Berry price from the market. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  49. Wan Rasyidah

    Product yang sangat baik dalam penjagaan kulit secara dalaman (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  50. Nurfarahin

    Thank you for choosing me for your review your product. For me, the product so nice and the taste was nice for mem (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  51. Lee

    BRAND’S® InnerShine is incredible! The flavor tastes great and helps when i have a bit constipated. It was not too sweet but it was rich with fresh prune. This prunes work well on me and works most of time. Giving me a healthier body, better focusing and radiant smooth skin in just 2 weeks. I was on my second box and this product can be get one easily in most of the supermarket or online. Love this and will make sure i always stock up before it runs out any of it. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  52. Toong

    I love prune and all kind of berries. Instead of paying a premium to get these premium prune, BRAND’S® InnerShine is much more affordable yet convenience to have one, anytime, anywhere. I often having a bowel movement issue and this bring a lot of discomfortable moment to me. After having BRAND’S® InnerShine with me in the past 2 weeks, there is a noticeable improvement in my bowel movement, it was smooth sailing after this.. aha! Found no issue to open the airtight bottle, it is convenient and compact to keep in the drawer, for me, it is super worthwhile. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  53. Ashley Tang

    BRAND’S® InnerShine is compact and perfect to go whenever you are. Taste great despite it was a little bit too sweet for me, but it was alright. It gives me easier time to poop and is not straining in the first week i consumed BRAND’S® InnerShine. Wondering what is the ingredients? it was made with Prune Juice Concentrate, Resistant Maltodextrin, Grape Juice Concentrate, Fructose, Camu Camu Juice concentrate, Vitamin C. Rich and yummy yummy. My skin condition is a lot better, especially my flare up and bumping. This is a good stuff, it works! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  54. Seng

    BRAND’S® InnerShine Prune is literally a life saver for me as i was having constipated issue. It was surprisingly tasty, like having a rich fruit juice without mixing with any water. After consuming BRAND’S® InnerShine for 2 weeks, i found my skin has became more clearer, radiant and softer than ever before. Better digestive system and less fell sick compared to before. I always brings few bottles when i travel, it can travels well without any spilling issues. Great product! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  55. Nur

    This is by far the best supplement i have ever used for my skin. My skin is very dull before and i can really see the difference after i finish all the bottle! Brighter and looks really clean as well. Best investment for your skin for a very long time (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  56. Qiu Raishaniah

    Feeling fantastic and my skin more moisture and less irritated. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  57. Mei Suryati

    Well..I think Innershine doesn’t works well with me..Maybe I should consume longer time to figure out whether its works or not for me.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  58. Noor Shahirah

    Ive consumed Brands Innershine for about 2 weeks. I noticed my skin complexion getting better. Looks fairer and radiant. Also love the taste of Innershine, pureness of berries essence. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  59. Siti anira

    Produk terbaik ..untuk nampak perubahan ketara kena konsisten lebih lagi ..saya jenis kulit lambat nampak kesan ..jd kene rajin sikit keluar duit (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  60. Felicia

    Tried the prune taste. I think it takes longer for my body to show the inner glow, however, this is a good supplement to stay healthy. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  61. Murliani

    Sedap diminum apabila disejukkan. Kulit kelihatan berseri sejak minum secara berterusan (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  62. AFIFA


  63. Nurul

    Rasanya yang sedap, mencantikkan kulit dan mencerahkan mata. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  64. nedd

    i love the taste of this product especially if you drink it cold. i’ve consumed this every night before sleep. i noticed my skin tone is more even and smooth. i will continue to buy this product after this. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  65. Suriani

    Simple to take, can bring any where. The taste super delicious. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  66. Su haida

    BRAND’S® InnerShine helps to achieve healthier radiant skin from within.My skin look healthier and glowing.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  67. Farisha

    Mulakan harimu dengan innershine…haa giteeww!!saya suka innershine kerana ianya sedap gabungan buah berry2 dan lbih dngn vitamin..minum innershine terasa badan lbih segar,wajah makin berseri,mahu cantik luar?cantik dalam?innershine ade segalanya.. thank You innershine. saya sangat You!! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  68. Jesslyn

    Brand’s is easy and convenient beauty drink which fits well into our busy on the go schedule. My skin is better (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  69. SITI

    Innershine make me feel confident with my skin because my skin more health and glowing also make me look younger. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  70. Norshatira

    Saya telah mencuba produk InnerShine BRAND’S , memang terbukti berkesan !!! Hari ke-3 sahaja sudah nampak kesannya sampai ada yang memuji kulit nampak putih dan muka kelihatan segar walaupun dalam berpantang … dengan khasiat buah-buahan berinya yang segar , rasanya yang tak terlalu manis dan terlalu masam , sangat sesuai di minum seisi keluarga .. Saya syorkan untuk anda semua mencuba produk InnerShine BRAND’S ini .. Saya akan teruskan produk ini sebagai rutin harian saya selepas ini !!!!! I LOVE INNERSHINE BRAND’S (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  71. Nursyahirah

    Pertama kali cuba innershine.hari ke 5 mula nampak perubahan. Kulit lebih berseri n kurang lingkaran gelap pada bawah mata.kulit lebih licin dan sekata selain dari penggunaan pelembap dan sunscreen setiap hari. Sy sgt menyukai produk ni. Mudah untuk consume.cuma simpan dalam peti sejuk utk rasa yg lagi sedap. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  72. Nur Syuhada

    Sangat-sangat rekomen Innershine matobride bagi mereka yang inginkan kulit yang lebih berseri.rasa buah yang original.kurang manis sangat-sangat sesuai untuk mereka yang kurang minat manis (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  73. Gan

    After consuming, I feel my skin more radiance and become more confidence. It revitalize my everyday. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  74. Zilla

    Its really good for my health and skin. And taste delicious too. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  75. Sofiah

    Impian Kulit Sihat Cik Pia dah Tercapai
    Jadi setelah 12 Hari Cik Pia minum Dan amalkan
    Brand’s ® Inner Shine Mato Bright ni hasilnya sungguh luar biasa..Kulit Cik Pia semakin Hari semakin Cerah Dan tampak sihat jerr dan yang paling penting capai juga target Cik Pia untuk dapatkan kulit yang lebih sihat berseri dari dalam. Seronok sangat. Lepasni penuh lah peti ais rumah Cik Pia dengan
    Brand’s ® Inner Shine Mato Bright ni.Sebab xperlu risau dah pasal kesihatan kulit dah… Awesome (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  76. Nurul Wahida

    My skin feels moisturized after trying this product and it really helps my digestive problems. It works because I have digestive problems but after I tried it I think my digestive problems are over. I am very happy. Nice to consume after chilled. Very recommended to try this product. I will try other flavors too after this. #htcmyxBrandsInnerShine #hometesterclub (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  77. Rosemary

    BRAND’S® InnerShine contains the natural goodness of tomatoes for skin brightening. It does improve overall skin condition and results in a glowing complexion. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  78. Min Yi

    Noticed a healthier glow on my skin after consuming Brand’s Innershine (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  79. Norliza

    rasa sedap untuk innershine berrys , skin rasa lebih lembab tidak kering dan semakin sihat, terima kasih innershine. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  80. Gillian

    The taste is so natural. Taste good when it’s chilled. Very nice and highly recommend it. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  81. safidaAmira

    Hi there, just wanted to let you know how happy I am with your product! I have experiencing dry and tired eyes most of the time and have tried all sorts of things to try and help them. With InnerShine Berry Essence I can feel that my eyes moist and feel less tired since I have started taking the product daily. I make sure I don’t run out now! Thanks. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  82. Ngjolin

    Small and cute bottle , but full of nutrition. Will glad to drink it for healthy. Will good if can less sour taste (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  83. Nooraini

    Inner shine bagus untuk digestion dan kulit.
    Dalam 12 hari consume inner shine, kulit kelihatan tegang dan lembab, malah digestion juga improve.
    Rasa buah yang sedap dan tidak masam dab terlalu manis sangat mudah untuk di minum.
    Saya akan terus mengamalkan inner shine seharian untuk kesihatan dalaman, luaran, kulit dan usus. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  84. Ili Hanis

    I have tried it for 12 days consecutively. My digestive system flows smoothly, my skin felt healthy and my body felt fit! it has sour and sweet taste with a hint of bitter, but i am able to swallow it. Good for reenergize your body, and making my tiredness goes away. Consuming it at evening time helps a lot with digestion. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  85. Lim

    First the packaging is attractive and the taste is good and easy to be accepted (as seldom I could accept the taste of prune). The most obvious effect after consume it daily was, it helps on the bowel movement. By drink plenty of water after consume InnerShine Prune, it helps for constipation and further for healthier skin too. It’s recommended for daily after dinner. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  86. Melinda

    I was surprised to see the effect on my skin. My skin was quite good for that week of consuming InnerShine, and when my menstruation came, the usual pimples appeared but my skin was not as terrible as before. The pimples quickly cleared up within 3 days. I was still consuming InnerShine that time. I was quite amazed with the product. It has a slight sweetness, but not overpowering and taste good to consume it chilled. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  87. Tann

    Firstly I would like to say Thank you to BRAND’S and Home Tester Club for choosing me as one of the tester.
    After received and try the BRAND’S InnerShine, I was feel in love with it and it really goods product and the taste all so very nice. I was went to Wastson and buy 2boxes.
    Very thank you introduct the super goods product. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  88. Intan Krysa

    Sejak Amalkan Innershine, Saya Semakin Bertenaga Dan Kulit Saya Semakin Cerah. Saya Baru Lepas Team Building And Kulit Sunburn, Saya Minum Innershine Semakin Elok Sunburn Saya (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  89. Wai Queen

    I doesn’t feel any obvious difference after taking the Inner Shine for 12 days continuously. My skin is still dull and I still continue to grow pimple so I don’t really see any obvious improvement.

    Taste wise, it’s good. A little bit sour and sweet. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  90. Fatin Adawiyah

    It taste really really good! I love love it. For someone like me who having an ongoing problem of blemishes skin such as dark spots and bowel irritation, this definitely helps me a lot. I have been consuming religiously and will continue doing so as part of my daily routine.
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  91. Amira Ashikin

    After consuming all 12 bottles of Innershine, I’ve definitely notice my skin has improved. It was dull and my skin tone was uneven but now it’s more glowing and my skin also became fairer. I don’t have to put on foundation anymore just to go out running errands or for a casual dine out. I’m shocked how Innershine managed to show me results in such short period of time consuming it. So happy i was chosen to try it out definitely will keep consuming more after this. Highly recommended. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  92. Nor Ainaa

    Good taste. After I cinsumed it, became easier to digest food. My skin feel smoother. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)


    Rich in antioxidants to combat free radical damage.
    Protect and repairs skin cells
    Nourish skin from within
    My look moist (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  94. bee seen

    The taste like a very concentrated berry juice
    I can feel my skin become brighter and healthier (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  95. zuliana

    My skin become more soft after i drink innershine … (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  96. Yan Joe

    My face look more radiant after consumed the product and the vitamin helps me feel energetic (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  97. Karen

    I’m in love with Innershine Prune Essence. Every night just one bottle of sufficient for my health, and to add bonus, my skin feel clearer and more radiance. For me, the most obvious thing I can feel is I can go to toilet smoothly in most relax way. The first week I just feel like there is so much to clear on old toxins in my body. After taking consecutively 12 days my body feel lighter, and my skin also better. Will definitely make purchase again. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  98. Miszz

    Inner shine sangat bagus untk badan dan kulit saya (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  99. Intan

    InnerShine is the best product i ever try. Its give me a healthy skin and brighter my skin. The product work !! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  100. Atikah

    My skin smooth i love so much innershine.. My acne delicious.. Tq give me try this brand (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  101. noranisham

    lebih berkeyakinan dengan innershiner…kulit lebih cerah.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  102. wendy

    a very nice taste juice and very nice when put in fridge. love it very much! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  103. Henny

    The packaging is great can just chill the bottle and consume straight. After consuming for few days my digestive health improved surprisingly . But my skin still remain about the same. I will continue to consume it to improve my digestive health but it is a little sweet . (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  104. Janice

    Have been consuming brands product since i was smalk but first time trying this fruit essence, it taste good and i really feel my skin condition become so much better (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  105. Chia Chi

    I don’t like sour drink but I like Brands InnerShine Prune Essence taste just nice and very thick. It’s does help my bowel movement and I feel my skin more moisture compare to usual. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  106. Yaniemira

    12 days of enjoying my routine with BRAND’S Innershine Berry Essence. It’s a great journey and good experience for me. After consume Innershine, I can see the esults that I become more energetic and fresher! BRAND’S® InnerShine helps to achieve healthier radiant skin from within. BRAND’S Innershine Berry Essence is made of 7 types of berries with Vitamins A, C, E & zinc. My skin health is now improve, fresher and the body feels more energetic. I am very satisfied with the result after consuming BRAND’S® InnerShine for 12 days and now feel more confident throughout my daily activities. Very recommended to everyone.
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  107. Rawda

    My dull skin complexion was highly improved after consuming BRAND’S® InnerShine Berry essences. I really like the taste since it’s not too sweet. Room temperature or chilled, either way of consumption is preferrable by me. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  108. Sapruna

    I have kind of rough and often flare up ezcema skin. I found there is an improvement on my skin – clearer, healthier and less itchiness after having BRAND’S® InnerShine a bottle a day. It was a little bit sweet, good aroma and actually love to drink it. Easy to carry it and ready to drink anytime, i was impressed BRAND’S® InnerShine actually helps my skin gets healthier in just 2 weeks time while my eczema problem has struggle me in the past 15 years. No bloating issue or any bad reaction, everyone notice about my skin gets much better and give it a praise. Thank you HTC and BRAND’S® for sending me such an excellent supplement drink, i will continue to consume it and i am on my second box where i bought at watsons. 🙂 If you are having skin issue like me, try BRAND’S® InnerShine! Affordable price tag and effective! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  109. Nor Amalina

    Innershine membantu kulit saya kelihatan more glowing ,menjaga kesihatan badan saya dan bnyk membantu mengekalkn sistem percernaan yg sihat sepanjang hari .innershine juga membantu memperbaiki penampilan kulit saya,it’s a lot more supple with radiance now,definitely would recommend this to my family and friends ,thank you innershine .. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  110. Hasniza

    I enjoyed drink Innershine prune essence, however I don’t see any visible effect on my skin after consuming for 12days. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  111. Nurul

    I always have constipation problem, during receiving this Innershine i am having bad gastric reaction. Starting my first bottle have help me having bowel movement and i dont need to force it. After a few days consuming, i am currently having enlarge pores and resulting to blackheads and whiteheads,which looks clear within few bottles consuming. Will definitely buy again. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  112. Michelle

    I was pleasantly surprised by the results after drinking it daily. I noticed that my skin looked brighter and more radiant. The drink has a pleasant taste and was easy to incorporate into my daily routine. While the effects weren’t dramatic, I do feel that the drink provided a noticeable improvement in my overall appearance.
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  113. Nor Aliya

    I would like to share the benefits of this item with other people because it really shine my face. Other than that, the special thing about this product it helps the digestion of my stomach. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  114. nor asmiza

    Sedap masam-masam manis.. Rasa buah berries.. Lg sedap kalau letak dlm chiller.. Jerawat cepat kecut (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  115. chee shan

    Good for skin and affordable price ……………………………………. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  116. zarodah mohd

    very2 produk
    all produk ok
    tq…the best produk….
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  117. Muhaizah

    Dapat rasakan perbezaannya sebelum dan selepas mencuba (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  118. Nur Jumaaton

    Its have a good taste.Its also good for eyes and make my skin brighter (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  119. nurul hafizah

    So delicious , i like it . Rasa masam-masam manis . Memang terbaik. Yang nak kulit dan mata yg cantik bersinat boleh amalkan innershine ni tauu Ada gaji sikit nanti kite beli lagi 😆 (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  120. Ain

    One of most supplement product good to consume! This is my first time to try and really good to my health. Will repeat very soon for sure! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  121. hui

    Have been trying innershine prune essence with immediate bowel cleanser properties. 1 bottle a day after dinner definitely give me an instant relieve of stomach bloating. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  122. Zoe

    Feel confident after consumption of brands inner shine product as the skin radiation becomes better. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  123. Jing Hui

    I can see my hair get shinier after days of drinking InnerShine. I also feel more energetic for the whole day, more energy if i start my day with InnerShine. The drink taste good but for better visible effect of it’s benefit, might need to drink for long term for at least few months (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)


    Sebelum mengambil innershine, kulit saya mengalami breakout yang agak teruk, merah dan sakit. Apa yang saya perasan, setelah minum dalam 2-3 hari, jerawat mengecut dan parut kering. Sekarang saya dalam proses untuk membaiki parut jerawat. Rasa buah prun sangat sedap dan pekat, anak pun suka dengan rasanya. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  125. Sumaiyah

    Rasa yang sedap sangat-sangat! Consumed BRAND’S InnerShine membuatkan saya lebih confident dengan perubahan my skin condition yg nampak makin it! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  126. Nurul

    Saya telah mencubanya dan rasanya cukup pekat dengan buah berry..minum sejuk lagi sedap.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  127. Jing Yee

    I received prune series. It taste good when it chilled. After 12 days of continuous drink, i feel that my skin is more brighter and my digestive system is improved. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)


    Love the taste. But I ‘m worried about the sugar level in the content. Please modify it to be sugarless. Thank you Inner Shine for the tester!!! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  129. Erin

    Rasa yang sangat sedap..kaya dengan vitamin dan kulit menjadi lebih sihat.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  130. Erene

    I’ve only been taking it for 2 weeks and have yet to see any improvement on myself. I believe this products will need more time (maybe 1 month at least?) to bring the said effects for you. Might not as powerful as it claimed especially if you have other skin problem that might arise due to other problem e.g. eczema. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  131. Rupaneshwary

    Really good supplement drink for healthier skin. Taste delicious too. Will definitely continue consuming it (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  132. Siti norhayati

    seblum ni klit muka saya nmpak xbermaya,kusam dan xde seri..pernah dngr tentang produk innershine tpi xbrkesempatan lagi nak beli..tapi اَلْحَمْدُلِلّهِ,bila brand’s bgi set prcubaan..kulit nampak lain..dah kurang kusam..klit nmpk lebih sihat..tambahan patu beri yg sedap,dimnum wktu sngt (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  133. Ila

    pati bery innershine ini amat bagus untuk kulit muka kita..ini kerana pati bery mengandungi khasiat buah buahan..selepas saya amalkan minum pati bery ini kulit muka saya sentiasa berseri seri tanpa nampak kusam.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  134. Nur fasihah

    Skin lebih bermaya, dapat mencantikkan kulit, mata menjadi lebih segar selepas minum, (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  135. Nur Izzati

    Despite the benefits, it is absolutely delicious. am definitely enjoying the drink in every drop. Drink deliciously to be a beauty (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  136. Nadia

    I was skeptical at first on the possibility of how it will help my skin but after 3rd day consuming Innershine berry, my friends start giving compliments on how my skin looks now is much improved than before. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  137. Shila

    Saya telah mencubanya selama 12hari dan ianya membuatkan kulit saya kelihatan lebih sihat dan cantik serta membuatkan saya lebih bertenaga.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  138. Nanad

    Pertama kali rasa Innershine Berry sangat sedap & saya rasa tertarik untuk beli produk ini sebab maybe if konsisten minum innershine ni kulit akan makin sihat. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  139. Farahzila

    Thankyou Home Tester Club sebab pilih saya untuk mencuba produk InnerShine.

    upon receiving it, i went straight away try it every morning (before breakfast).. it’s really “INNER SHINE”! taste was good, my skin seems a little smoother.. insyaAllah, i will continue after this. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  140. Yana

    Easy and convenient and healthy in one bottle. The taste of berry was so great (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  141. Diwiyah

    InnerShine helps me to have a radiant Glowing skin. Kinda loving my skin right now. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

  142. Mariana

    nak tryy hehehe baikk laju brgnya sampai

  143. Georgina Goh

    Item received as per advertised. Thanks

  144. Bella Ong

    Package arrived safely and wrapped well.

  145. Teddy

    Wauuuu wauuuuuu!! Thankssss. Barang sampai dgn baik.

  146. Rahidah

    harga yang berpatutan. online shopping #stayathome

  147. Lee Lee

    Superb fast delivery

  148. Lyee Choo

    Second purchase.. good delivery…I love it…

  149. Ming Tee

    Product arrives as scheduled…Love the taste its thick texture……….

  150. Siew Lin

    Gud packing & very fast delivery. Wil buy again. TQ

  151. Diana Lee

    Overall acceptable… Delivery fast..

  152. Mervyn

    Baru nak try minum ni.. Harap2 berkesan.

  153. Rozita

    packaging produk smue ok.. brg mmg ok bgus

  154. Teresa Wong

    Love the prune taste…so nice to drink!!!!

  155. Lin Lin

    Cheap and nice…thank you for good service!

  156. Jeremy Ting

    RECEIVED PRODUCT in good condition and delivery is super fast

  157. Cher Ling

    Gooooooooooooooooood Products Quality

  158. Sajili

    Thank you. Berbaloi beli. Terbaikkk

  159. Valerie Chai

    Shipment was received safely without any issue. Order was placed and received within 2 days.

  160. Yung Cheon

    Buy for mom, hope she likes it!

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