
Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids

Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for KidsBocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for KidsBocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for KidsBocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for KidsBocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids
Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids
Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids
Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids
Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids
Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids
Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids


Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks 3x20s | Vitamin C for Kids

60 reviews Sold: 716

Original price was: RM14.00.Current price is: RM9.00. -36%

Availability: 2131 in stock

Buy min 3 and above

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Availability: 2131 in stock

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Product Details
Size (cm)
9.7(L) x 2.6(W) x 10(H)
Target Group
Suitable for 3 years and above
Product Description

Bocalex Yummy C+ Chewable Blocks are vitamin C for kids. It helps to strengthen your children’s immune system. Consuming adequate vitamin C is important for children. It plays a number of important roles in the body, acting as an antioxidant and immune supporter, helping build the protein collagen and enhancing the absorption of iron in the body.

Your child’s growing body can’t produce vitamin C on its own. So as a parent, you have to ensure that your child eats a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables every day — sometimes easier said than done! Plant sources, including tomatoes, peppers, broccoli and kiwi, are the best sources of vitamin C. If your little one is a picky eater, Bocalex Yummy C+ is a great choice!

Do your children have low immunity? Check now!

  1. Falling sick frequently (cold, flu, cough and fever)
  2. Delayed healing
  3. Bleeding gum and mouth ulcer
  4. Poor skin health
  5. Poor growth

Get Daily Dose of Vitamin C! 每日补充维生素C

  • Optimal vitamin C for kids, 2 blocks provide 100mg vitamin C = 4 oranges!


  • Great taste, refreshing orange taste, kids’ favourite


  • Convenient sachet design, easily bring around


  • Chewable tablet, small and easily consumed


Bocalex Yummy C+ is suitable for children 适用小孩

  • Enhance immunity and reduces sick days 增强抵抗能力
  • Speeds up recovery from cuts and bruises 加速伤口愈合
  • Reduces gum bleeding and ulcer 减少牙龈出血和溃疡
  • Strong antioxidant for healthy skin 高抗氧化,健康肌肤
  • Enhances body’s absorption of iron 提高铁质吸收

Essential Companion for Immunity Health 调节免疫力必备


Other vitamins for children: Omega-3 for brain development and multivitamins for picky eater.

Alpro One Click Facebook page

Ingredient / Content
Every 2 blocks provide 100mg Vitamin C.
How To Use
Hold to dissolve slowly in your mouth. Children 3 to 10 years: 4 to 8 blocks daily. Children >10 years: 4 to 20 blocks daily.
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4.92 out of 5 stars

60 reviews




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What others are saying

  1. Arif Amin

    Sesuai untuk budak-budak. Anak buah suka rasa dia.

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  2. Anirah

    good for kids

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  3. Amin A

    my kids really enjoy consume this vitamin c

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  4. Saadiah

    i beli and pilih amik dekat outlet. staff seriously layan i baik je and siap ajar mcm mana nak bg anak2 consume vit.

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  5. Norkiah

    the benefit of this vitamin sangat good~! parents buy this for ur kids

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  6. Nasuha

    anak anak i sangat suka vitamin ni senang tak perlu nak paksa makan haha

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  7. Ace

    Parents appreciate the ease of giving these chewable blocks as part of their child’s daily routine.

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  8. Abril

    Experience the benefits of BOCALEX YUMMY C+ for enhanced immune support and vitality.

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  9. Abrar

    Suitable for vegetarians and individuals with dietary restrictions.

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  10. Abram

    Highly recommended for picky eaters or children with vitamin deficiencies.

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  11. Abraham

    Enjoy the convenience of individually wrapped blocks for on-the-go supplementation.

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  12. Abner

    Incorporate BOCALEX YUMMY C+ Chewable Blocks into your daily routine for peace of mind.

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  13. Abiha

    A must-have for busy families seeking to maintain wellness all year round.

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  14. Abigayle

    Provides a convenient and enjoyable solution for meeting daily vitamin C needs.

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  15. Abigale

    Perfect for children who may have difficulty swallowing pills or tablets.

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  16. Abigail

    Ensures comprehensive support for immune function and antioxidant protection.

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  17. Abel

    Trusted by parents and healthcare professionals for their high-quality ingredients and effectiveness.

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  18. Abdullah

    Ideal for families looking to support immune health in a fun and enjoyable way.

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  19. Abdul

    These chewable blocks are loved by kids and adults alike for their tasty flavor.

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  20. Abdallah

    BOCALEX YUMMY C+ Chewable Blocks are a delightful way to get your daily dose of vitamin C.

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  21. arezah006

    Good product quality

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  22. tommyycw

    my son like the taste

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  23. omar_fikri

    Lain kali bole beli lagi

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  24. ainzie7688

    Penghantaran cepat..tq

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  25. ummuameena

    Excellent service by seller

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  26. house.merch

    Order Monday, Thursday baru out for delivery. Takpelah as long as product okay Good value for money

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  27. hamzikecik


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  28. aiyen01

    Terbaik….2nd order

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  29. miwah22

    Thanks for the angpow packet

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  30. zanayan

    Packaging sgt baik.. delivery sgt pantas.. anak2 plg suka vit C brand ni sbb bole mkn 4 bji. Kalo brand lain kebanykan sebiji je sehari so x puas mengunyah.

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  31. sasa134

    Vitamin dah sampai. Terbaik.

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  32. chanxy

    Good value for money. Fast delivery. Good product of quality

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  33. shuhada24

    Penghantaran pantassssssssss Product quality bagussssssss

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  34. hanafih

    Terbaik. Cepat & puas hati! Highly recommended to buy this!

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  35. jaynneaii

    bought this for only 12 sen. fast delivery tho. and the taste also amazing. I finished 1 pack without realizing

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  36. rahmaahmad

    Barang dah sampai semua dalam keadaan baik. Kali ni repeat order sebab memang rasa ada kesan minum ni. Order vitamin yang makan sekali senang nak bawa ke mana2. Terbaikkk!!! Thanks.

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  37. shamsulbahariabdulhamid

    Terima kasih alpro. Ingat benda ni kecik je. Rupa-rupanya banyak jugak. 20×3 packs. Banyak tuuu.. siap ada baucar lagi. Terima kasih seller. Nanti repeat lagi.. saya beliii

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  38. cikeyra93

    Da lame pgne vitamin ni..tbaik2 ntk farmasi kt sini xde jual.. dlu biase beli kt alpro paka terengganu..skrg bpndah dmanjung mrata cari vitamin ni xde yg jual..beli online jela..????

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  39. nyraiasya

    Wow.. Really fast.. Thanks seller

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  40. haryantimishary

    Barang cepat sampai. Memang memerlukan sangat. Puas hati. Cepat sampai.bungkusan pn kemas.

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  41. Duncan Ding

    Received in good condition,my child very like it,tasty

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  42. Sui Hua

    Received the order safely. Quite fast.

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  43. Jassica

    terbaik. murah dan banyak.

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  44. Sakdiyah

    Dah terima barangnya, penghantaran yang cepat.. harap anak2 suka

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  45. Rina

    Anak anak memang suka.. Rasa sedap.. Imune badan anak2 bertambah baik..

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  46. Sing Hung

    Buy for my kids, need some vitamin c to boost immune. Thank you.

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  47. Siaw Hui

    Thank you so much.. everything is good..

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  48. Ah Ben

    Thank for the good service. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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  49. Chee Siong

    Item arrived safely and in good condition.

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  50. Nazlyn

    Tq.. Pembungkusan pun sangat baik

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  51. Harriss

    Sangat bagus untuk anak2 saya, memang berkesan.

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  52. Nickelsion

    Rpt again.Sbb ank2 ska.

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  53. Catherine Bong

    Taste nice..Recommended.

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  54. Lydia Phung

    Taste amazing! My son loves it.

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  55. Decker Chan

    Thanks. Well received.

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  56. Rosenah

    Terima kasih. Ingat benda ni kecik je. Rupa-rupanya banyak jugak.

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  57. Ming Ein

    Thanks! My kids love chewable vitc.

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  58. Gary Liaw

    Good product quality. Good value for money.

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  59. Beatrice Jong

    Third time buying, love the flavour, most important it boosts immune.

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  60. Julian Ng

    Affordable price. Good taste my children love it.

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