
Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin

Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone SkinBepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone SkinBepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone SkinBepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone SkinBepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin
Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin
Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin
Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin
Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin
Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin
Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin


Bepanthen Sensidaily 200ml | For Eczema-prone Skin

107 reviews Sold: 1251

Original price was: RM97.90.Current price is: RM48.90. -50%

Availability: 7 in stock

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Availability: 7 in stock

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Product Details
Size (cm)
7.6(L) x 5.6(W) x 18.7(H)
Target Group
It is clinically proven to be skin-friendly and is suitable for all ages, including infants and children.
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Product Description

Bepanthen SensiDaily Moisturizer is a daily moisturizing cream that is specially-formulated for extra dry, sensitive, and eczema-prone skin. It has a unique Derma Defense Formula that strengthens the skin barrier, helps your skin to be free from flare-ups, and provides long-lasting hydration. 

How To Use
Bepanthen Sensidaily Moisturizer can be applied all over the body as needed.
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4.52 out of 5 stars

107 reviews




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  1. Katherine

    been using the shampoo and lotion for almost 2 week now on my baby . i must say is the best combo for super sensitive skin (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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    selepas mencuba pada anak saya,kulit anak saya menjadi lebih lembab dan tiada lagi gatal-gatal dan ank saya sudah tidak menggaru kulit badannya (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  3. Jessica

    Mgkn sesuai untuk pengidap encema yg lain. Cumanya mgkn harus consultation dari doktor kerana tahap encema berbeza bgantung pd individual. Mgkn ada yg alahan terhadap sabun. Overall, baik (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  4. Nuruldiana


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  5. syahiza syakilla

    Secara jujurnya setelah menggunakan beberapa hari tidak nampak apa-apa kesan positif mahupun negatif penggunaan produk ini..namun saya percaya ini produk terbaik yang dihasilkan untuk mereka yang ada masalah kulit seperti ekzema.anak saya telah mencuba pelbagai produk untuk melegakan ekzema namun tiada yang serasi dengannya.mungkin masih awal untuk melihat keberkesanan lotion ini terhadap sakit ekzema anak saya. Sy akan terus memakaikan lotion ini kepada anak saya. Saya percaya suatu hari nanti masalah ekzema anak saya akan selesai jua. Terima kasih hometasteclub kerana memberi peluang mencuba produk yang baik ini (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  6. Rara

    Pilihan terbaik untuk anak-anak sy yg ada mslh kulit sensitif dan kering. Sensiwash baby friendly, sensidaily pulak best sbb bila sapu kat kulit, anak tak rasa gatal-gatal dah. Terima kasih Bepanthen sensidaily & sensiwash. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  7. Tengku Ashirah

    Sebelum ni anak selalu menggaru hingga luka, bila guna Bepanthen, tiada masalah gatal lagi. Kulit lembut dan lebih selamat kerana tidak mengandungi bahan bahan yang boleh merengsakan kulit anak. Tq. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  8. Umu syifa

    Kulit semakin moist. Gatal-gatal semakin berkurangan. Bintik-bintik merah semakin berkurangan. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  9. Syasha

    Memberi lembapan pd kulit anak saya, selesa dan tidak melekit . Eczema berkurangan. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  10. Noor basyirah

    Dengan cuaca yang panas sekarang ni kulit anak tiba-tiba ada ruam di muka. Saya telah mencuba produk Bepanthen SensiDaily terbukti memang berkesan. Tambahan pula kulit anak saya kering memang sesuai memakai SensiDaily ini kerana sekaligus boleh melembabkan kulit. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  11. Syurqiah

    Bepanthen membantu terus melembapkan kulit serta mengurangkan kesan radang dan merah. Justeru kualiti tidur dan emosi anak lebih terjaga. Ia sangat menggembirakan kami sekeluarga. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  12. Aishah Haron

    Berkesan membaiki masalah kulit kering dan sensitif anak saya.. Suka.. Saya syorkan kepada semua produk ni sangat bagus.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  13. Nurul Hasanah

    Bersesuaian dengan anak setelah menggunakan produk daripada hometested iaitu sensiwash dan sensually, setelah menggunakan produk tersebut pada anak gatalan pada kulit anak semakin berkurangan. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  14. Noradilah

    dengan sekali penggunaan kulit terasa lembap dan kurang kegatalan. Anak saya kurang menggaru. Sensidaily juga mudah menyerap dan tidak berminyak. sensiwash juga mengekalkan kelembapan pada kulit selepas dibilas. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  15. Rosnah

    Saya berpuas hati dgn produk Bepanthen Sensiwash & sensidaily, amat berkesan mengurangi kegatalan pada tubuh anak saya. Kulit semakin sihat, lembut dan cantik (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  16. noorermy

    Sesuai cuaca kini panas anak sy memamg sensitive sangat berguna (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  17. Jazmin

    Produk yang bagus dan sesuai digunakan oleh orang yang mempunyai kulit sensitif (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  18. Nur Assikin

    Ulasan jujur dari saya,sensiwash & sensidaily terbaik,betoi2 bagus pada kulit anak saya yg sensitif,kulit pun terasa lembut gebu,masalah pada anak saya pun makin berkurangan selepas menggunakan nye …saya bagi 10bintang sensiwash & sensidaily…produk yang terbaik penah saya guna nye…pasti saya akan kenalkan sensiwash & sensidaily pada keluarga ,sedara mara ,kawan2 dan org yang saya mengenalinya…sebab saya sukakan nye sangat sensiwash & sensidaily…produk yang bagus mesti kena sarankan dengan orang2 yang kita kenal…jujur kata saya akan teruskan menggunakannye…kerana sesuai dgn kulit ank saya yg sensitif,terbaik sangat..terima kasih kerana percayakan anak saya untuk mencuba sensiwash & sensidaily (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  19. Nur Diyana

    Saya telah mencuba Bepanthen SensiWash & SensiDaily selama 14hari ke atas kulit anak saya yang mempunyai masalah ekzema ringan. Sebelum menggunakan produk ini, saya ada menggunakan satu losyen pelembab untuk masalah yang sama namun hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Namun, setelah saya mencuba Bepanthen SensiWash & SensiDaily ini saya amat teruja dan senang hati melihat kulit anak saya semakin hari semakin lembab dan semakin kurang berkerak. Perubahan ini juga menambah keyakinan anak untuk beraktiviti sepanjang hari tanpa kulit kering yang menyebabkan kegatalan. Dengan keputusan yang memuaskan ini saya telah membuat keputusan untuk mengekalkan Bepanthen SensiWash & SensiDaily dalam produk penjagaan harian kulit anak saya. Dan sudah tentu saya akan memgesyorkan produk ini kepada keluarga dan rakan-rakan yang lain! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  20. Aziah

    Rangkaian Bepanthen Ekzema adalah produk terbaik yang saya pernah guna dalam mengatasi kulit anak saya yang mengalami ekzema. Tekstur sabun mandian dan losyen yang lembut sesuai untuk kulit anak saya yang kering dan kemerahan. Kulit sentiasa lembap dan mengurangkan kegatalan serta menyebabkan anak saya lebih ceria dan aktif. Saya sangat mengesyorkan kepada ahli keluarga dan rakan yang mengalami masalah ekzema seperti anak saya.

    #hometesterclub (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  21. Puan

    Saya telah menggunakan produk ini untuk kulit anak saya yang mempunya ezema..Bepanthen sensiwash sangat lembut untuk kulit anak saya dan menyegarkn kulit serta melembapkan kulit (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  22. Yantie

    Produk terbaik setakat ini.. masalah keradangan ekzema berulang tiada lagi sepanjang menggunakan produk ini. Membersih disamping mengekalkan hidratasi kulit. Saya pasti akan teruskan penggunaan produk ini. Terima kasih Bephanten (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  23. Olie

    Kulit kering anak saya menjadi lembap dan selesa tidak bergaru lagi. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  24. Fatimah

    Baby 2 tahun saya sudah kurang mengalami kegatalan kulit akibat cuaca yang panas sekarang. Saya apply sabun dan pelembab ini setiap hari dan ia berkesan mengurangkan kerengsaan kulit baby saya. Kalau dulu dia selalu tidak selesa bila berpeluh dan mula menggaru seluruh badannya. Dengan bantuan 2 produk ini , dia sudah tidak rasa ketidakselesaan akibat ruam panas di badannya. Ruam pun makin hilang selepas guna pelembab ini. Tetima kasih pada produk ini. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  25. Natasha

    bepanthen sensiwash&sensidaily sgt sesuai UTK kulit exzema seperti baby sy yg alahan pada wangian tapi bepanthen sgt la sesuai UTK kulit dia n UTK mandian harian dia (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  26. Diyana

    Anak saya yang kedua memang ada eczema sejak lahir..terutama di bahagian tengkuk, pelipat kaki dan pelipat tangan terutama apabila berpeluh..tangan asyik menggaru je..kulit jadi kasar dan luka.Macam2 krim saya cuba tapi tidak berkesan, sehinggalah saya dapat produk percuma dari Bepanthen.Dalam masa 1 minggu selepas menggunakan produk ini anak saya tidak lagi asyik menggaru.Kulit semakin lembut dan ank saya boleh menjalankan aktiviti harian nya seperti biasa. Terima kasih Bepathen kerana mengeluarkan produk yang berkualiti untuk masalah kulit seperti anak saya.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  27. erika

    first time guna sabun mandian ni, saya boleh rase yg sabun ni sesuai untuk anak saya sebab lepas jer pakai kulit dia tak kering n dh kurang nak garu.. kulit pun lembut jer, mmg recommended la (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  28. Nor Asiah

    Wlaupun tanpa bau tapi buih ny sgt byk..sgt berbaloi.. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  29. Norazilah

    This product very good for may kids..they will use every day and the smell is good ..their skin more soft and smooth …they packaging is nice and no need to change anymore..very recommended (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  30. Ku

    Good choice for those who suffering from skin disease, if your child suffer from itchy skin due to chicken pox, Bepanthen SensiWash might help to reduce the pain and itchiness. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  31. SMei

    Bepanthen SensiWash & SensiDaily is gentle for kids with sensitive skin. It’s odourless and fragrance free.
    SensiWash cleanse and easy to wash away.

    SensiDaily texture is easy to apply and do not leave greasy surface after applied. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  32. Vivian

    SensiWash: smells good, good for daily use as it moisturise the skin after use, skin is soft after shower

    SensiDaily: great to use as a daily lotion as it moisturise the skin, easy to apply as the texture is soft and will not feel sticky on your skin (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  33. LEE

    1st time using & heard about Bepanthen sensiwash & moisturiser. My kid having eczema on his both legs. Try the products after receiving it. Hopefully will have significant results after long use. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  34. Sholihah

    Bepanthen product is very good for sensitive, itchy and dry skin.. After my son using SeniWash & SensiDaily his skin become more moisture and soft. He scratches less and the wounds on his hands are less, only scars remain. It good to see him not scratches his hand and leg anymore. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  35. Chun Hooi

    The body wash is superb, doesnt feel dry at all after using it to bath, skin feel smooth after using.
    The lotion is thick, a small amount is enough for large surface of body.
    My kids got ezcema and sensitive skin. They get scar easily after insects bite? The lotion actually helps the skin to heel faster. Only downside is it got no fragrance, my kids say no smell. But at the same time the fragrance free lotion and body wash also helps to minimize the additives used in the body wash and lotion, which is suitable for eczema kids (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  36. Mun Yan

    for the bepanthen SensiWash, kids enjoy to switch it on and off for usage. SensiDaily is highly recommended. As a parent with eczema kid, we need to apply moisturizer daily. We may miss out some part of the body eg. inner thigh etc which is difficult to apply moisturizer thoroughly but high risk of flare up. It works great when I applied SensiDaily on this area of the body when i found it with redness. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  37. Rubini

    Before this i have tried multiple product. Seba med makes my baby’s skin dry. Cetaphil makes her eczema worsen. Remdii was good but her skin getting darker ,i don’t have any other choices so i just stick with Remdii. Then i get an offer from Home tester club ,to try Bephanthan sensi wash and lotion. As i already using Bephanthan nappy rashes cream i gave it a try. First 2 weeks i haven’t seen any differences. after 3 week’s slowly her skin become clean, healthier and guess what she back to her normal skin color. Thank you Bephanthan. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  38. doreen

    After tried this product on my baby is totally fine and safe. As he got eczema since newborn. Now he is 3years old and still allergy to some product. Overall is good just the smell of the body wash is unpleasant. Kind of like rubber or plastic smell. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  39. Yin mei

    After my kid use it for 5 days, his frequency of scratching is getting more and more. He can scratch till the leg bleeding then when he bath will feel painful and cry. So, I am not able to use it. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  40. Norizan

    Anak saya telah lama menghidapi masalah kulit yang kering, gatal dan sensitif. Apabila mencuba sabun mandi dan losyen Bepanthen hampir 3 minggu, perubahan yg amat ketara pada kulit badan anak anak saya. Kulit mereka yang dulunya kering dan gatal dah menjadi semakin lembap. Tak lagi menggaru pada setiap malam. Losyen pun melembapkan kulit lebih 8 jam. Memang menyakinkan untuk saya terus setia menggunakan Bepanthen untuk kulit keluarga yang ada ekzema. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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    my son skin has been very sensitive, but when i apply the cream, it absorb easily, lock the moisture and reduce itchiness (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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    I honestly admit that this product has proven to be very effective for my son who suffers from mild eczema, his skin is very soft, no longer itchy and does not leave scars. I highly recommend this product. Thank you for give me this trial product, i wish to purchase next time. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  43. Irene

    There are many brands available in the market that I tried. For Bepanthen, first used was ok. Subsequently, the result is not improving. Reason might be my child is active and alway In sweat. Hence, I will continue for a bit longer before I decide switching to this brand. Bepanthen is a good brand, been using other product range of the brand since my boy as newborn. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  44. Sok Mei

    The bodywash is fragrance free and gentle enough for their sensitive skin. The lotion is lightweight so the kids wouldn’t feel sticky and irritating after apply it. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  45. najihah

    Produk yang sangat bagus. Sesuai digunakan sepanjang hari. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  46. Cindy

    Used it on my 2 years plus baby. Can see improvement to his skin. More moist, less flares especially the neck area (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  47. Noor suria

    Setelah saya gunakan lebih dari 2 minggu keatas kulit saya serta kulit anak saya saya dapati
    Bepanthen SensiWash ni adalah solusi terbaik ke atas kulit kami berdua yg eczema ni..
    Sentiasa melembabkan..tidak melekit…tidak mengeringkan..serta ianya sangat lembut pada kulit kami

    Daily Gentle Body Wash ni best sangat ..tak de bau…lebih kepada bau ubatan yg tak terlalu kuat.
    Memberi kulit kami lebih lembut serta pelembab berpanjangan setiap dlm masa yg sama tidak lebih kepada melembabkan

    Daily Moisturizer ni mmg best sangat sbb bila apply dia tak melekit…senang meresap..serta lembapan nya agak lama…
    Jadi kulit kami yg kering ni tidak terasa tegang n kering..serta membantu memperbaiki kulit yg merekah

    Semestinya saya akan beli lg Bepanthen SensiWash ni sbb ianya serasi n sesuai ke atas diri saya (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  48. Yee Xuan

    Soothe my son itchy skin. I can feel his skin more moisture, not dry. Smell good as well. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  49. MAZNI

    Ngam2 dapat barang ni . Saye kene alergic .. saye pkai . Dia mengurangkan rase gatal . Sangat bngus utk org dewasa dan budak kecil . (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  50. Noor Hasnifalina

    Already used it for my baby and turns out it is the best for them. No more redness, no more scratches, no more tears for sickness. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  51. Nur Imanina

    My son currently have an ongoing flare up eczema on his cheeks when I received Bepanthen SensiWash & SensiDaily. Previously we have tried a lot of creams and wash for it but none had made any significantly improvement, yet it makes my son’s face more reddened, dried and began to become more inflamed. Once we’ve tried Bepanthen SensiWash and SensiDaily, my son’s cheeks are getting better! Although it’s not fully healed yet, I’ve noticed that both of his cheeks are improving and the dryness reduced. It makes my son’s skin more supple and the redness becomes smaller than before. Definitely will keep continue using both Bepanthen SensiWash and SensiDaily so that my son’s cheeks will be fully healed. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  52. Nor Amira

    For good reason, Bepanthen’s Eczema Range is the most popular non-prescription skincare brand in the world. All ages, including infants older than one month, can benefit from its mild yet effective formula. The lotion’s moisturizing properties have helped my daughter’s eczema greatly. Sensiwash is so gentle that it’s safe for use on both babies and adults.
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  53. Noor Aziah

    Its very well for sensitive skin and good to a skin (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  54. Joanna

    Sensitive skin always having difficulties in choosing shampoo or any akin product.

    After i get to try this Bephanthen Sensiwash anf SensiDaily, it helps me a lot. Thank you so much to Bephanthen. Looking forward to try more product of this brand. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  55. Heni

    my child doest not like it at all, after mutiple tries. the lather is good, easy to pump and use. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  56. teo

    After trying Bepanthen Sensiwash Daily Gentle Body Wash and Bepanthen SensiDaily Mosturizer on my daughter, I have witnessed a tremendous improvement her ezcema prone skin. I have noticed that after using the daily wash and moisturizer , it really helped her to sooth the itchness and dryness of her skin. In fact , it can help to provide a long lasting hdydration and moisture effect for her senstive and ezcema prone skin. The flare up episode has been noticebly reduced as well. I am glad that HomeTester has selected me to try on these 2 products. I will continue and recommend these two wonderful products to my family and friends as this product is free from steriod, fragrance, preservatives and chemical substance. The most important this is it also contains prebiotic which is important in supporting and maintaining healthy skin for long term. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  57. Siti humairah

    Give my skin moisturiser and main my skin from itchy (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  58. veronica

    good for my kids and myself can use it daily to prevent bacteria (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  59. Rou

    Use bepanthen sensiwash first then apply bepanthen sensidaily. It is use for dry, sensitive and eczema skin. It can help skin free from flare-ups. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  60. MArilynn

    After the first couple of washes, my children experienced flare-ups, but after the third wash, the skin became noticeably softer and more supple, with no dry, flaky patches. My son particularly enjoys the gentle nature of the product on his skin. While the packaging is decent, the initial pump proved to be somewhat challenging to use, requiring a few attempts before successfully dispensing the product. Overall, despite the initial hiccup, the results have been impressive, leaving their skin smooth and healthy (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  61. Kaori

    Bepanthen eczema body wash and body lotion are great products for those with very dry, sensitive and eczema skin. The body wash is enriched with probiotics and vitamin B5 and comes in transparent gel that foams up easily into rich bubbles to gently cleanse the skin while keeping it moisturized and soothed. The body lotion is super lightweight, absorbs really fast and doesn’t leave a greasy finish. However, it is moisturizing enough to protect, soothe and aid the healing of red flares, eczema and wounds. Great products imo for baby with sensitive and dry skin (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  62. Anusooya

    Both Bepanthen SensiWash and SensiDaily works so well on my daughter’s sensitive and dry skin. The dry patchy look on her skin disappears following the use of these products. Im so happy and will definitely purchase Bepanthen SensiWash and SensiDaily. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  63. JIUN WEY

    Lotion: i like that the texture is light, wont feel greasy. After I use it on my kid, her itchiness has improved.
    Body wash: it helps to moisture her skin, won’t feel dry after shower (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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    My child has eczema and feels more moisturized after using this product, Will consider buying. Will introduce it to friends. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  65. Wai Queen

    My daughter had mild eczema growing rashes at her hands and I get to try this Bepanthen Sensi Wash & Sensi Daily.
    After trying for 14 days, can see the rashes has gone and not growing anymore. This product works (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  66. Neo

    I love this brand after tested on my daughter’s skin…she often scratch her skin due to over dry, nowadays the condition is improving since use Bepanthen Sensiwash and Sensidaily. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  67. Song Kim

    The Sensiwash is fragrance free which suitable to eczema skin. It can clean up the skin and at the the same time keep moisture the skin. Bottle design can be improved to reduce the edge feeling.
    Sensidaily can retains the moisture and reduce the dryness of the skin.
    My boy skins slightly improved on the dryness area after 14 days trial. I would use as daily lotion to keep his skins moisturized.
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  68. LiWen

    Skin is smooth after using SensiWash and skin feel moisture after using the SensiDaily. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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    Bepanthen Sensiwash and Sensidaily Moisturizer helps hydrates my skin and maintains its natural PH. And also it helps my skin to be free from flare ups, and provides long lasting hydration. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  70. Syaza

    Bepanthen SensiWash & SesiDaily are suitable for eczema-prone skin. This product provides a calming effect that can reduce irritation and soothe extra dry or sensitive skin. After using it continuously for 15 days, my daughter’s skin (in the neck area) started to heal and was not itchy anymore. Overall really recommend this product for babies that has eczema-prone skin. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  71. Maggie Gan

    My youngest daughter had suffered from eczema since she was 2. Her skin easily gets dry and sensitive especially after sweat or in hot days which leads to skin irritations, inflammation and itchiness on her arms, legs and neck. She always scratched her skin and left scratches scars and flaky skin all over her body. After trying these 2 products, we love the amazing results!
    Bepanthen Sensiwash Daily Gentle Body Wash is helps in cleansing, moisturising, protecting skin barrier and soothing skin especially dry and sensitive skin without leaving skin dry or irritation.
    My daughter would apply the Bepanthen SensiDaily Daily Moisturizer every time after bathing. Bepanthen SensiDaily Daily Moisturizer is smooth, creamy, no-sticky and lightweight moisturizer that makes her skin feel so soft, calm, smooth, moisturised and replenished. It melts into her skin without feeling sticky, heavy or greasy. Most importantly it leaving her skin moiturised, healthy and feels fresh all the time. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  72. Nurul Syazwani

    SensiDaily texture is easy to absorb,not oily and smooth on my kids skin.SensiWash is gentle skin cleanser,the texture is thin and doesnt lather or foam,fragrance free and leave my kids skin feel cleans but SensiWash packaging,i think need to change.A bit hard to press and not so convenience. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  73. TIARA

    helps my baby’s skin from eczema, the child’s skin is itchy, I apply the moisturizer.. it stays moist.. even the bath moisturizes my baby’s skin, there is no fragrance in the product, I have to use it diligently.. for me it helps too
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  74. Grace

    My kids have eczema problem since she born, I already bring her see so many doctor and try so many cream but not really help. But after I try Bephanten, finally I saw my daughter hand is start to recover. She always cry at night time cause her hand too itchy. But now she can sleep over night! Really want to share this product! If you have eczema must try! (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  75. Belle

    For sensitive skin like mine ..
    I recommend this brand it less bubble shower gel and it good for my skin .. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  76. Elaine

    Bepanthen leave skin hydrated and look like there were another oil layer to lock the water from skin. Thus, this is why skin stay hydrated for long time. Natural and no smell also another points that I love it. Definitely will repurchase. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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    Saya sangat suka kan produk ini kerana dia dapat mengurangkan kekering kulit azema saya Dan anak saya serta berkesan mengurangkan gatal2 kulit yang dialami. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  78. Nurul

    Bepanthen is an unexpectedly useful product during non-flare up and nearly flare up period. My husband sometimes having itchiness because of the weather..i apply the cream and it really help ! It relieves itch and redness.. i love using Bepanthen because for it helps me to moisturize the skin too..
    (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  79. Mieza

    It is soft to my Child skin. My Child love to Used the lotion every day as It gift protection to skin & help the skin smooth everyday (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  80. Siti Nurul

    Best daily routine for eczema prone skin care. Sensiwash & Sensidaily moisturiser smoothly absorb to skin. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  81. Mawar

    The best and good product for eczema kids.i have 4 son.all suitable and comfort in this product (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  82. Ashirah

    Bepanthen Sensiwash merupakan pembersih badan yang berkesan untuk kulit kering, sensitif dan terdedah kepada ekzema. Ianya tidak mengandungi pewarna dan pewangi tambahan jadi sesuai untuk digunakan seisi keluarga. Selain itu , pro-vitamin B5 didalam Bepanthen SensiWash membantu melindungi kulit dengan menstabilkan kulit dan menyokong penjanaan semula kulit. Saya telah mencuba mandian ini untuk bayi saya dan memberi kesan yg positif. Kesan merah dileher semakin hilang dan tidak bergaru lagi
    Bepanthen SensiDaily Moisturizer pula krim pelembap harian yang dirumus khas untuk kulit yang lebih kering, sensitif dan terdedah kepada ekzema. Ianya juga tidak mempunya pewarna dan pewangi tambahan.Kulit bayi menjadi lebih lembut dan kesan merah berkurang dengan cepat.

    Bagi saya mandian dan pelembap badan bepanthen merupan penyelesaian masalah kulit untuk bayi saya . Saya mengesyorkan orang ramai menggunakannya (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  83. Milk

    Love these products. I can feel then nourishing my skin. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  84. Roma

    softens baby’s skin and eliminates itching and heals itchy wounds from the previous day
    skin becomes clean and bright (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  85. Pei Lim

    It fresh and keep my child feel comfort after having his bath (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  86. Leong

    SensiDaily is light & very easy to absorb. No sticky feel after applying.
    SensiWash is fragrance free and very foamy. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  87. Aswiny

    Bepanthen SensiWash and SensiDaily helps my kids to reduce dry skin and sensitive skin. Sure I will purchase Bepanthen. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  88. Hwee Mean

    My son usually can’t use any body wash because will cause him have itchiness.
    He always complaining itchiness on skin especially around joint areas.

    After trying Bepanthen products, I noticed he has healthier skin, no more itchiness. He will not complain about skin itchiness again to me. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  89. Sharina

    My baby has a dry and sensitive skin problem. I use baby products but there is no change after using bepanthen. My baby’s skin is getting better. I am very happy. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  90. raihan

    Best product for my son since my son had eczema since newborn. I will always use the product in a daily basis. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  91. Arica

    I like this products as it is clinically-proven formulations, it helps to achieve the healthiest-looking skin. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  92. yoke kwan

    Thanks for home tester to try this. I love to try different brand of body wash that to keep my skin clean & refreshing after shower. This product is gentle & moisture for my dry skin. It gives me natural scent of smell on my body. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  93. Shantini

    very gentle to skin and treat eczema well. Skin will be moist and supple whole day! The ingredients totally save for sensitive skin and as well for adult’s skin. My skin is very healthy and less itchy after 1 week use of the product! Will continue support this brand. Thanks for choose for try out this miracle product 🙂 (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  94. Amira

    Saya dan bayi saya menghadapi masalah ekzema . Setelah penggunaan SensiWash &SensiDaily selama 2 minggu saya dapati anak saya makin teruk radang pada wajahnya, mungkin tidal sesuai untuk dia,tapi kelembapan pada kulit badannya setakat ni membantu.Jadi saya hanya sapu pada badan sahaja ,elakkan dimuka.Saya juga turut menggunakannya pada diri sendiri,saya suka hasilnya amat membantu melembapkan kulit,sebelum ni setiap setengah jam mesti nak sapu losyen untuk elakkan kering,tapi lepas gunakan SensiDaily hanya selepas mandi je dah memadai.Kelembapannya tahan lama ,kulit tak mengering jadi gatal-gatal pun kurang. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  95. Yen Ching

    Suitable for my boy with sensitive skin. His skin feel moist and supple after every shower. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  96. Fida

    I really love how it help to improve my son daily activites. He is not scracthing all day long anymore, unless very hot day due to perspire then he will scratch. Before this he would have dandrufty looking hair, but now it has improved very much. Tq (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  97. tan

    Sensiwash is mild cleanser without fragrance to reduce irritating to sensitive skin while cleansing. Sensidaily fast and effective in reduce red flare skin. It provides protection layer on skin to restore healthy skin barrier. The texture is rich and thick so better to blend on hand before apply. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  98. Stella

    the product is mild and suitable for allergy and sensitive skin. too bad I don’t put high review due to the smell is not that good. kid not so like it.hope it can improve the fragrance more. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  99. Nurul

    I love the product, my kid’s skin seen soft and not dry after tried this product. It’s enzecma friendly products. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  100. fatihah

    My daughter has a very sensitive skin. With this Bepanthen, her skin is now less itchy. She loves it (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  101. Mong Yen

    It really get smooth and moisturising skin after applied. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  102. Grace

    My child doesn’t seem to react well to this product. My kid has mild eczema, and it appears to worsen after using it. I believe it is a good product for others but not my kid. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  103. Janice

    Have you ever facing sleepless because of the irritated skin and itchiness? Bepanthen not only can helps your kid to sleep confortably at night without itchiness but parent also sleep well without waking up mid of the night (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  104. Zoelle

    I’ve been using Bepanthen SensiWash for my child, and I’m really impressed with how gentle and effective it is. My child have sensitive skin, so I’m always cautious about trying new products, but this one has been fantastic. It’s so mild and doesn’t cause any irritation or dryness, which is a big plus for me. I also love that it’s fragrance-free and doesn’t leave any residue. Overall, I highly recommend Bepanthen SensiWash for anyone looking for a gentle and soothing intimate wash. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  105. FOO

    My son always scratch his hand or leg until wound appear. I tried several kind of ezcema suitable body wash for kids but none works for him. Bepathen Sensiwash have bubble but fragrance-free is the main reason why I now find the body wash that suitable for my ezcema skin son. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  106. Koo

    Sensiwash and sensidaily helps to prevent and reduce baby hot rashes, acne. After 1 night apply it works well. No more itchy and baby is happy with it. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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  107. Joyce

    I love that Bepanthen SensiWash is also suitable for baby to use. It does not cause skin reaction when I use it on my toddler. I like it too. It is gentle on skin and keeps skin feeling soft and hydrated after bath. Will definitely continue to use SensiWash. (Originally posted on Home Tester Club)

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