Bellamy’s Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 Protein

Bellamy's Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 ProteinBellamy's Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 ProteinBellamy's Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 Protein
Bellamy's Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 Protein
Bellamy's Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 Protein
Bellamy's Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 Protein
Bellamy's Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 Protein


Bellamy’s Betafina Infant Formula 0-12 Months 800g | Organic with A2 Protein

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Availability: 4 in stock

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Availability: 4 in stock

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Product Details
Size (cm)
19(L) x 14(W) x 14(H)
Target Group
0-12 Months
Product Description

Bellamy’s Organic Betafina Infant Formula

Ingredient / Content
Pepejal Susu Lembu Organic(71.1%)[Dadih Susu Lembu Tepung Organik, A2 Kesluruhan Susu Lembu Tepung Organik(17.9%), Tepung Laktosa(Lembu) Organik], Lemak Sayuran Organik [Lemak Olein Kelapa Sawit Organik, Lemak Kacang Soya Organik, Lemak Kelapa Organik)], Galakto-Oligosakarida(GOS)(Lembu) Organik, Minerals(Kalium Klorida, Kalsium Karbonat, Kalsium Fosfat, Kalium Fosfat, Magnesium Klorida, Natrium Sitrat, Ferus Sulfat,Zink Sulfat, Kuprik Sulfat, Natrium Selenit, Kalium Sitrat, Mangan Sulfat, Kalium Iodida), Lemak DHA Dan ARA Kering (Alga)[Pepejal Susu Lembu, Pengemulsi(Lesitin Kacang Soya), Antipengoksida(Natrium Askorbat, Tokoferol Campuran, Askorbil Palmitat)], Fructo-Ogliosakarida(FOS), Vitamins(Natirum Askorbat,Vitamin E Asetat, Vitamin A Asetat, Niasinamida, D-Kalsium Pantotenik, Vintamin D3, D-Biotin, Asid Folik, Vitamin K1, Thiamine Hidroklorida, Piridoksina Hidroklorida, Vitamin B12), Probiotik:B. Animalis Subsp. Lactis(BB-12), Lutein.
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