
Malaysians Can Get Free Health Checks At Selected Pharmacies Until The End Of May

Cover image via AIA (Provided to SAYS) From now until the end of the month, Malaysians are able to get free health checkups at Alpro Pharmacy outlets nationwide. Image via AIA (Provided to SAYS) This includes tests for blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose, as well as calculations of Body Mass Index (BMI). To claim the […]

Malaysians Can Get Free Health Checks At Selected Pharmacies Until The End Of May Read More »

Jom Cuba Murtabak Ayam, Juadah Tradisi Yang Ditambah-Baik Nilai Nutrisinya

Murtabak merupakan juadah tradisi istimewa di sepanjang bulan Ramadan. Namun, tahukah anda bahawa Murtabak sebenarnya datang dalam pelbagai bentuk dan inti, seperti daging cincang atau isi ayam selain pilihan lain berintikan keju dan mi yang lebih moden. Penawaran ini selari dengan citarasa tempatan yang gemar mendapatkan sesuatu yang berlainan untuk satu-satu masa. Tetapi, untuk kebanyakan

Jom Cuba Murtabak Ayam, Juadah Tradisi Yang Ditambah-Baik Nilai Nutrisinya Read More »

Resepi Murtabak Ayam Sihat Dari Pakar Diet Alpro Pharmacy

Resepi Murtabak Ayam Sihat Dari Pakar Diet Alpro Pharmacy | Murtabak merupakan juadah tradisi istimewa di sepanjang bulan Ramadan. Murtabak datang dalam pelbagai bentuk dan inti, seperti daging cincang atau isi ayam selain pilihan lain berintikan keju dan mi yang lebih moden. Walaupun merupakan kegemaran tempatan, murtabak mempunyai kandungan kolesterol dan lemak yang tinggi, maka

Resepi Murtabak Ayam Sihat Dari Pakar Diet Alpro Pharmacy Read More »

Buka Puasa Dengan Resipi Murtabak Kaya Sayuran Alpro Pharmacy

Apabila datangnya bulan suci ramadan, murtabak menjadi salah satu juadah pilihan untuk dijadikan sebagai juadah untuk berbuka puasa. Murtabak datang dalam pelbagai bentuk dan inti, seperti daging cincang atau isi ayam selain pilihan lain berintikan keju dan mi yang lebih moden.   Walaupun ianya sedap dimakan, harus diingat bahawa murtabak mempunyai kandungan kolesterol dan lemak

Buka Puasa Dengan Resipi Murtabak Kaya Sayuran Alpro Pharmacy Read More »

‘Buka Puasa’ with Alpro Pharmacy’s Vegetable-Rich Murtabak Recipe

KUALA LUMPUR, 18 April 2022 – Murtabak, or pan-fried meat-filled pancake, is a quintessential dish during Ramadan. From the classic minced beef or chicken fillings to the more modern cheese and noodle fillings, Murtabak comes in various forms. While it is a local favourite, Murtabak is high in cholesterol and fat and should be consumed considerately.

‘Buka Puasa’ with Alpro Pharmacy’s Vegetable-Rich Murtabak Recipe Read More »

Malaysia Book Of Records 2021

We are celebrating a very special moment today! Alpro pharmacy is achieving another milestone and having the record of ‘MOST NUMBER OF PRESCRIPTION DISPENSED BY A COMMUNITY PHARMACY IN A YEAR IN MALAYSIA’, certified by Malaysia Book of Records We can’t achieve this alone, not just the efforts contributed by Pharmacists, hence we would like

Malaysia Book Of Records 2021 Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy Advises Muslims On Proper Medicine Intake During Ramadan

In conjunction with the observance of the holy month of Ramadan, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy, Alpro Pharmacy, has come up with a set of general guidelines to help Muslims to continue the practice of fasting while practicing proper intake of medications.   The guidelines developed based on the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) and the

Alpro Pharmacy Advises Muslims On Proper Medicine Intake During Ramadan Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy Wins Award

From left: Alpro Pharmacy Co-Founder Pharmacist Dr. Hiew Fei Tsong (PhD) and Alpro Foundation  Chief Executive Officer Ostwin Paw at the SOBA Awards Gala Night 2021 held at One World Hotel,  Petaling Jaya.  Kuala Lumpur, March 30: Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy,  bagged the Malaysian Business of the Year awards and platinum awards for

Alpro Pharmacy Wins Award Read More »

Farmasi Alpro Beri Penjelasan Kepada Pesakit Kronik Berkenaan Pengambilan Ubatan Dalam Bulan Ramadan

Pada bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini, farmasi preskripsi terbesar di Malaysia, Alpro Pharmacy telah menyediakan satu set garis panduan ubat untuk pesakit-pesakit khususnya yang beragama Islam yang sedang menghidap penyakit kronik untuk terus meneruskan amalan berpuasa sambil mengelakkan risiko implikasi kesihatan kepada mereka. Matlamat inisiatif ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesedaran tentang perkara yang boleh dan

Farmasi Alpro Beri Penjelasan Kepada Pesakit Kronik Berkenaan Pengambilan Ubatan Dalam Bulan Ramadan Read More »

Major pharmacies running short of Covid-19 test kits due to panic buying — report

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 23): At least four pharmacy chains in Malaysia are facing shortages in Covid-19 antigen rapid tests, as coronavirus infections surge to daily highs in the Omicron wave. Citing local chain BIG Pharmacy, health news portal CodeBlue on Tuesday (Feb 22) reported that ready stocks and inventory of Covid-19 self-test kits are running low amid

Major pharmacies running short of Covid-19 test kits due to panic buying — report Read More »

Major pharmacies running short of Covid-19 test kits due to panic buying — report

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 23): At least four pharmacy chains in Malaysia are facing shortages in Covid-19 antigen rapid tests, as coronavirus infections surge to daily highs in the Omicron wave. Citing local chain BIG Pharmacy, health news portal CodeBlue on Tuesday (Feb 22) reported that ready stocks and inventory of Covid-19 self-test kits are running low amid

Major pharmacies running short of Covid-19 test kits due to panic buying — report Read More »

Major pharmacies running short of Covid-19 test kits due to panic buying — report

Photo by Low Yen Yeing/The Edge KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 23): At least four pharmacy chains in Malaysia are facing shortages in Covid-19 antigen rapid tests, as coronavirus infections surge to daily highs in the Omicron wave. Citing local chain BIG Pharmacy, health news portal CodeBlue on Tuesday (Feb 22) reported that ready stocks and inventory of Covid-19

Major pharmacies running short of Covid-19 test kits due to panic buying — report Read More »


自从冠病自助检测仪(Self-test kit)推出以来,使用者急速增加,因其成本低,且随处可购买,但近来不少网友都表示,冠病自助检测仪的准确性不高,或呈现出无效的检验结果,这究竟是怎么一回事? 对此,药剂师林恩妮接受《访问》专访时就提出了几个注意事项,以帮助民众获得准确的检测结果。 药剂师林恩妮是大专药剂(Alpro Pharmacy)的首席药剂师。(图片来源:受访者) 接触确诊者后5至7天进行检测 恩妮指出,在接触确诊者后的5至7天内使用自助检测仪进行自我检测的话,能够减低”假阴性“的案例,这主要是考虑到病毒正处于潜伏期,因此在第五天以后的检验,能够取得更为准确的结果。经医药研究院(IMR)评估,自助检测仪的敏感度一般在90%左右,加上自助检测仪是以病毒的抗原来检测,所以当人体中的病毒抗体浓度足够时,才会检测出阳性的结果。 而自助检测仪一旦检测出病毒抗原,受测者很大可能已经感染病毒。反之,逆转录聚合酶链式反应检测法(PCR)的检测原理是测量病毒的RNA,即核酸检测;在PCR测试中,是以循环数阀值(CT值,cycle threshold value)来判断是否有病毒的存在。 医护人员采集检测样本,再用仪器观测病毒,从中取得CT值。(图片来源:freepix) CT值越高,病毒含量越少 医护人员采集样本后,会透过PCR仪器把唾液样本放大,直到达到可检测的水平。为检测病毒的浓度,医护人员需要多次复制特定基因进行观测,而CT值可以理解为“放大的倍数”。举例来说,CT值25,就代表样本放大25次就能够发现病毒,这便证明样本检测出了病毒。 在PCR测试中,大约需要40个循环(达到CT值40)才能确定是阳性的检验结果。简言之,CT值越高,样本的病毒含量越少。如此,PCR检测会是更为准确的方法,而且通常在接触确诊者的24至48小时内,就能够测试出是否确诊。 由此可见,两者测试的检验原理不同,所以在自我检测中出现“假阴性”的几率更高。 自助检测仪与PCR测试的检验原理并不相同。(图片来源:freepix) 自助检测仪的敏感度 市面上自助检测仪的选择繁多,其中的差别主要在于敏感度,以及可测量到的CT值。自助检测仪若注明“CT 30”,表示能够检测出CT值小于30的案例,若案例刚好大于“CT 30”,则会呈现出“阴性”的检验结果。 由于PCR检测与自助检测仪在敏感度上的差别,PCR检测结果其实更为准确。虽然如此,恩妮指出,自助检测仪的准确度也很高,只不过是需要时间加上使用正确的方式操作采样,满足这两项条件即可。 避免唾液参杂异物 若使用自助检测仪,在进行自我检测的30分钟之前,检测者切记不能够进食、饮水、抽烟或刷牙,避免口腔有食物、异物的残留,导致检验结果不准确。 此外需要注意的是,深喉唾液(deep-throat saliva)提供更精准的检测样本,因此自助检测仪的说明书往往也会提醒检测者用力咳嗽,把深喉唾液吐出来。有些情况是,检测者只把口腔中的口水吐出,而不是深喉唾液,导致病毒的浓度不足,无法得到准确的结果。   如何选择自助检测仪? 在自助检测仪的选择上,恩妮提醒,只要是大马医疗器械管理局所批准的(MDA approved)检测盒,都是可以安全使用的,选择自助检测仪时,也不妨多留意是否标注CT值。 大马医疗器械局(MDA)所批准的自助检测仪列表。(图片来源:卫生部官方网站) 阅读原文: 访问(The Interview)

到处都是“假阴性”,自助检测仪究竟可靠吗? Read More »

【连锁加盟系列】立志改变行业现况 大专药剂让药剂师走入社区

“让药剂师走进社区,发挥其真正专业”是大专药剂(alpro phamarcy)的理念。“药剂师的专业在本地非常不被看重,很多人觉得药剂师就只是一个卖药的销售员。”大专药剂品牌与贸易营销总监李殷振药剂师续说,当初三位创办人包括刘瑞祥、丘惠聪与谢玲玲正是抱著改变本地药剂行现况的想法,希望能改变国人对“药剂行=零售商店”的既定印象。 成立于2002年大专药剂目前在全国拥有160家特许经营加盟店,除了沙巴和玻璃市,其它州属皆能看到它的“踪影”。“每间大专药剂都必须拥有至少一位专业药剂师、营养师驻守,因为我们相信凭著他们的专业能为社区带来更大的价值。”他分享,大专药剂行联合创办人刘瑞祥刚创立品牌时曾遇过一个个案。“有一个老伯伯走进药剂行问说:这里是不是有免费量血压?”刘瑞祥当时便回答说有,然后在量血压的过程中发现老伯伯血压虽正常,却有心律不正的情况。“进一步查问是否有吃任何药物?老伯伯答:吃著降血压和尿道发炎的药物,但不知道药物名字。”刘瑞祥请老伯伯把药物带来想要帮忙检查。“老伯伯还是问了一句:是免费的吗?”李殷振不否认很多前来药剂行买药的民众都是抱住“想要省钱”的心态,因为觉得看医生费用很高,所以才将就到药剂行买药。 从起初一家300平方尺不到的小小药剂行,到目前全国拥有160家特许经营加盟店,平均每天服务超过3万民众。 老伯伯随后真的把药带到药剂行,才发现原来他吃著的降血压和尿道发炎的药物会导致钾元素升高,导致心律失常。“刘瑞祥药剂师针对老伯伯的状况写了一封转介信。”隔天早上,药剂行还没开店,店外就站著一位年轻人,当他看到刘瑞祥前来开门时便上前递了一壶汤。原来该年轻人是老伯伯的孩子。老伯伯昨天离开药剂行回家时,不幸昏倒送院。所幸刘瑞祥的转介信,才让医生在最短的时间内掌握到病情、情况,成功救回老伯伯的生命。 大专药剂品牌与贸易营销总监李殷振药剂师是在2012年加入大专药剂,他说:“那时候大专药剂只是波德申一带的当地药剂行,但随著口碑,目前已成为国内家喻户晓的药剂行品牌。” 另外,大专药剂更分别推荐:medicpack、pillcube药物包装系统。李殷振解释,大部分的药物都有特定的服用时间以达致最佳疗效。譬如说,有些避孕药必须在每一天的同一时间服用,误时可能导致避孕药的效果受到影响。更严重的情况是如果在错误的时间服用糖尿病药物,很有可能导致病人血糖过低而危及性命。为了避免病人在错误的时间服用药物或忘记服用药物,简单的药物包装系统,将能减低服用药物的错误率。 特许经营加盟店形式,让药剂师专注专业 李殷振说,大专药剂是在2015年开始开放特许经营加盟经营权。“当初会开放的理由很简单,主要是当时内部的药剂师想要尝试创业,却不舍得离开大专药剂。”后来三位创办人也认为,透过特许经营的加盟店的形式能够让药剂师更专注自己专业,而非周旋在生意经营上,包括点货、定货、预算控制等等,因为特许经营拥有属于自己的系统,提供无后顾之忧的方案。“药剂师就应该把时间花在药品上。” 大专药剂品牌与贸易营销总监李殷振药剂师是在2012年加入大专药剂,他说:“那时候大专药剂只是波德申一带的当地药剂行,但随著口碑,目前已成为国内家喻户晓的药剂行品牌。” 李殷振续说,在我们开始特许加盟计划时, 便决定向世界排名第一的特许经营企业学习,那就是麦当劳。“我们研究了麦当劳的案例,发现保护双方的利益以及策划一项完善的特许经营计划是非常重要的。为此, 我们选择了总部位于美国芝加哥, 麦当劳的顾问成为我们特许经营计划的顾问。”值得一提的是,旗下很多独立药局在加盟大专药剂后的平均第一年的营收涨幅达到70%。“更重要的是,大家在‘大专药剂’加盟底下都抱著相同的理念,一起颠覆国内药剂行的价值和角色。” 李殷振表示,经营特许加盟最大挑战是加盟者无法实行一样的理念,正所谓道不同不相为谋,“想要加入‘大专药剂’最基本的门槛是至少一位经营者/拥有者为药剂师专业”。针对很多“生意人”看中“药剂行赚钱”的商机而加入行业,他直言:“这种人的宗旨和目的和我们无法配对。”接下来,他放眼设立更多大专药剂加盟连锁店,集结众人之力一起完成品牌的愿景。 阅读原文: 东方Online 

【连锁加盟系列】立志改变行业现况 大专药剂让药剂师走入社区 Read More »

Safe medication disposal campaign

ALPRO Pharmacy has kickstarted its “Safe Medication Disposal Campaign” with the launch of fairytale inspired visuals on its social media channels.   The campaign aims to highlight the importance of safe medication disposal and underline the adverse effects of treating medical waste as regular garbage through a series of visually-telling graphics inspired by fairytale characters

Safe medication disposal campaign Read More »


过期、没用的药品怎么处理?大专药剂(Alpro Pharmacy)与国际医科大学和莫纳什大学合作进行了一项试验调查显示,有83.2%的受访者意识到不当处理未用完的药物会对环境和生态系统造成危害;而 66.4%的受访者则表示对于如何正确处置药物没有任何的概念。有鉴于此,大专药剂推出“废弃药物安全处理”活动,让消费者将任何过期、没用的药物丢弃到全国所有分行的药物处理箱中 。 该活动旨在强调药物安全处置的重要性,并通过一系列童话人物的视觉图画来强调将医疗废物视为普通垃圾所带来的负面影响。这些图画的灵感来自童话故事人物,如白雪公主、灰姑娘、《美女与野兽》中的贝儿、《小美人鱼》的爱丽儿与《森林王子》中的巴鲁熊。   “当社会大众意识到不当丢弃药物的后果,我们将能够更正确地并适当地处理过期或未用完的药物。”我们希望借由网络力量和全国165家分行的据点,来唤起社会大众的意识。我们希望所分享的知识对消费者有帮助,也希望所做的改变能够对环境产生正向影响。”大专药剂的药剂师兼品牌营销总监李殷振说。  欲知最新讯息,可以关注大专药剂官方面子书或Instagram。另外,也可在品牌的165间分行免费谘询专业药剂师,或通过电子药局Whatsapp热线019-7021923与线上药剂师联系。 阅读原文: 东方Online 

过期、没用的药品怎么处理?大专药剂推“废弃药物安全处理”活动 Read More »

Ubat-Ubatan Telah Tamat Tempoh? Lupuskannya Dengan Selamat Di Tong Pelupusan Ubat Alpro Pharmacy

Alpro Pharmacy baru-baru ini melancarkan ‘Kempen Pelupusan Ubat Dengan Selamat’ khusus untuk rakyat Malaysia. Menurut Alpro, kempen ini diperkenalkan bertujuan untuk memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat tentang kepentingan pelupusan ubat dengan cara yang lebih selamat serta mengetahui akan kesan buruk jika melupuskan ubat sebagai sampah biasa. Kempen ini disampaikan melalui satu siri grafik yang diinspirasikan daripada

Ubat-Ubatan Telah Tamat Tempoh? Lupuskannya Dengan Selamat Di Tong Pelupusan Ubat Alpro Pharmacy Read More »

Alpro Melancarkan ‘Kempen Pelupusan Ubat dengan Selamat’

Alpro mengalu-alukan pengguna untuk melupuskan sebarang ubat yang tidak digunakan dengan selamat ke dalam tong pelupusan ubat-ubatan khas yang disediakan di semua cawangan Alpro di seluruh negara Kuala Lumpur, 25 Januari 2022 – Alpro Pharmacy yang merupakan rangkaian farmasi preskripsi terbesar di Malaysia telah melancarkan ‘Kempen Pelupusan Ubat Dengan Selamat’ dengan pelancaran visual yang diilhamkan dari

Alpro Melancarkan ‘Kempen Pelupusan Ubat dengan Selamat’ Read More »

Ketahui Bahaya Penyakit Bawaan Air – Alpro Pharmacy, DOC2US Perkenalkan Program Penjagaan Perubatan Penyakit Kronik

Susulan isu banjir terburuk yang pernah direkodkan dalam sejarah negara, rangkaian farmasi terbesar di Malaysia, Alpro Pharmacy dan penyedia perubatan atas-talian, DOC2US, telah bekerjasama untuk meningkatkan kesedaran tentang penyakit bawaan banjir. Usai banjir, semestinya proses pemulihan giat dijalankan. Sebagai sebuah komuniti farmasi, Alpro ingin menekankan bahawa sanitasi dan kebersihan perlu dijaga lebih-lebih lagi di kawasan

Ketahui Bahaya Penyakit Bawaan Air – Alpro Pharmacy, DOC2US Perkenalkan Program Penjagaan Perubatan Penyakit Kronik Read More »

Malaysians cautioned about dangers of flood-borne diseases and skipping meds

Lim (left) and Choy. Choy says it is paramount that flood survivors continue with their medication for chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and hypertension. KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 7): Malaysians have been cautioned to be aware of the dangers brought about by flood-borne diseases, while chronic illness patients are reminded of the danger of skipping their long-term

Malaysians cautioned about dangers of flood-borne diseases and skipping meds Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy & DOC2US Are Offering Free Medication To Flood Victims With Chronic Illness

In response to one of the worst floods ever recorded in the nation’s history, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, and the first telemedicine provider, DOC2US, have teamed up to raise awareness on flood-borne diseases as well as caution chronic illness patients affected by the flood on the danger in skipping their long-term medications.   “While

Alpro Pharmacy & DOC2US Are Offering Free Medication To Flood Victims With Chronic Illness Read More »

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 25): The digital prescription pharmaceutical business (e-pharmacy) has big potential in Malaysia and may garner as much as a 20%-30% market share. In an e-mail interview, Alpro Pharmacy co-founder and e-pharmacy pharmacist lead Dr Hiew Fei Tsong informed theedgemarkets.com that in Malaysia, there are near 25,000 registered pharmacists and three,000 registered retail pharmacies as

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro Read More »

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro

Hiew, however, has cautioned against fake service providers, adding that a legal e-pharmacy usually appears on either a self-owned website or has an official store in an e-commerce marketplace. KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 25): The electronic prescription pharmaceutical industry (e-pharmacy) has huge potential in Malaysia and can garner up to a 20%-30% market share. In an email

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy Alerts Malaysians on Flood-Borne Diseases

In response to one of the worst floods ever recorded in the nation’s history, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, and the first telemedicine provider, DOC2US, have teamed up to raise awareness on flood-borne diseases as well as caution chronic illness patients affected by the flood on the danger in skipping their long-term medications.

Alpro Pharmacy Alerts Malaysians on Flood-Borne Diseases Read More »

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 25): The electronic prescription pharmaceutical industry (e-pharmacy) has huge potential in Malaysia and can garner up to a 20%-30% market share. In an email interview, Alpro Pharmacy co-founder and e-pharmacy pharmacist lead Dr Hiew Fei Tsong told theedgemarkets.com that in Malaysia, there are close to 25,000 registered pharmacists and 3,000 registered retail pharmacies as

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro Read More »

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 25): The electronic prescription pharmaceutical industry (e-pharmacy) has huge potential in Malaysia and can garner up to a 20%-30% market share. In an email interview, Alpro Pharmacy co-founder and e-pharmacy pharmacist lead Dr Hiew Fei Tsong told theedgemarkets.com that in Malaysia, there are close to 25,000 registered pharmacists and 3,000 registered retail pharmacies as

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro Read More »

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 25): The electronic prescription pharmaceutical industry (e-pharmacy) has huge potential in Malaysia and can garner up to a 20%-30% market share. In an email interview, Alpro Pharmacy co-founder and e-pharmacy pharmacist lead Dr Hiew Fei Tsong told theedgemarkets.com that in Malaysia, there are close to 25,000 registered pharmacists and 3,000 registered retail pharmacies as

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro Read More »

Malaysians cautioned about dangers of flood-borne diseases and skipping meds

KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 7): Malaysians have been cautioned to be aware of the dangers brought about by flood-borne diseases, while chronic illness patients are reminded of the danger of skipping their long-term medication. In a joint statement on Friday (Jan 7), prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy and telemedicine provider DOC2US said while the recovery process

Malaysians cautioned about dangers of flood-borne diseases and skipping meds Read More »

Malaysians cautioned about dangers of flood-borne diseases and skipping meds

KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 7): Malaysians have been cautioned to be aware of the dangers brought about by flood-borne diseases, while chronic illness patients are reminded of the danger of skipping their long-term medication. In a joint statement on Friday (Jan 7), prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy and telemedicine provider DOC2US said while the recovery process

Malaysians cautioned about dangers of flood-borne diseases and skipping meds Read More »

Malaysians cautioned about dangers of flood-borne diseases and skipping meds

Lim (left) and Choy. Choy says it is paramount that flood survivors continue with their medication for chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and hypertension. KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 7): Malaysians have been cautioned to be aware of the dangers brought about by flood-borne diseases, while chronic illness patients are reminded of the danger of skipping their long-term

Malaysians cautioned about dangers of flood-borne diseases and skipping meds Read More »

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 25): The electronic prescription pharmaceutical industry (e-pharmacy) has huge potential in Malaysia and can garner up to a 20%-30% market share. In an email interview, Alpro Pharmacy co-founder and e-pharmacy pharmacist lead Dr Hiew Fei Tsong told theedgemarkets.com that in Malaysia, there are close to 25,000 registered pharmacists and 3,000 registered retail pharmacies as

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro Read More »

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro

Hiew, however, has cautioned against fake service providers, adding that a legal e-pharmacy usually appears on either a self-owned website or has an official store in an e-commerce marketplace. KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 25): The electronic prescription pharmaceutical industry (e-pharmacy) has huge potential in Malaysia and can garner up to a 20%-30% market share. In an email

e-Pharmacy has potential to hit 20%-30% of pharma market share in Malaysia, says Alpro Read More »

Here’s Where You Can Dispose Of Old And Unused Medications & Why It’s Important

Cover image via University of Malaya & Sean Liew (Facebook) Recently, a pharmacist from Kuala Lumpur took to Facebook to highlight that there is a proper and safe way of disposing old and unused medications Facebook user and pharmacist at Alpro Pharmacy, Sean Liew, said he was also guilty of not knowing until he entered the industry. “Once upon

Here’s Where You Can Dispose Of Old And Unused Medications & Why It’s Important Read More »

Think before you throw

GIVEN the pandemic, most of us probably have a “mini pharmacy” at home, stocked with a variety of flu, fever and cough medicines. Some may also have medications to treat high blood pressure or diabetes or painkillers. But do we give a thought to how we dispose of these medicines once they’ve expired or are

Think before you throw Read More »

Grooming the Pharmacist of the Future with Alpro Academy

For the past 19 years, Malaysia’s Largest Prescription Pharmacy, Alpro has been actively contributing towards the development of local pharmacists through various training programmes and initiatives under the Alpro Academy. With the core mission of safeguarding medication safety in the community, Alpro strongly regards the role of a community pharmacist in Malaysia to be crucial

Grooming the Pharmacist of the Future with Alpro Academy Read More »

Alpro Foundation Collaborates with Award-Winning Savant Artist to Raise Funds for The Autism Community in Malaysia

Alpro Foundation, the charity arm of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, has collaborated with acclaimed Malaysian savant artist, Wan Jamila Wan Shaiful Bahri a.k.a. ARTJAMILA to raise funds for the Autism community in the country. The initiative saw Alpro Foundation launch the limited edition ‘Alpro X ARTJAMILA’ wet wipes which featured three unique

Alpro Foundation Collaborates with Award-Winning Savant Artist to Raise Funds for The Autism Community in Malaysia Read More »

Pharmacy chain Alpro collaborates with savant artist to raise funds for autistic community

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 2): Alpro Foundation, the charity arm of prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy, is collaborating with a local savant artist to raise funds for the autism community in the country. In a statement, Alpro Foundation chief executive officer (CEO) Ostwin Paw Yen Thng said the foundation is working with artist Wan Jamila Wan Shaiful

Pharmacy chain Alpro collaborates with savant artist to raise funds for autistic community Read More »

Pharmacy chain Alpro collaborates with savant artist to raise funds for autistic community

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 2): Alpro Foundation, the charity arm of prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy, is collaborating with a local savant artist to raise funds for the autism community in the country. In a statement, Alpro Foundation chief executive officer (CEO) Ostwin Paw Yen Thng said the foundation is working with artist Wan Jamila Wan Shaiful

Pharmacy chain Alpro collaborates with savant artist to raise funds for autistic community Read More »


Alpro Foundation, the charity arm of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, has collaborated with acclaimed Malaysian savant artist, Wan Jamila Wan Shaiful Bahri a.k.a. ARTJAMILA to raise funds for the Autism community in the country.  The initiative saw Alpro Foundation launch the limited edition ‘Alpro X ARTJAMILA’ wet wipes which featured three unique


Pharmacy chain Alpro collaborates with savant artist to raise funds for autistic community

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 2): Alpro Foundation, the charity arm of prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy, is collaborating with a local savant artist to raise funds for the autism community in the country. In a statement, Alpro Foundation chief executive officer (CEO) Ostwin Paw Yen Thng said the foundation is working with artist Wan Jamila Wan Shaiful

Pharmacy chain Alpro collaborates with savant artist to raise funds for autistic community Read More »

Artjamila collaborates with pharmacy chain to raise autism awareness

Merging art with everyday essentials, artist Wan Jamila Wan Shaifu Bahri – who is known professionally as Artjamila – now has her colourful creations on pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy’s limited edition wet wipes packets. This collaboration aims to raise funds for the autism community in Malaysia, with part of the sales proceeds donated to the

Artjamila collaborates with pharmacy chain to raise autism awareness Read More »

Yayasan Alpro Bekerjasama dengan Pelukis Autisme Terkemuka Untuk Membantu Komuniti Autisme di Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, 1 SEPTEMBER 2021 – Yayasan Alpro, badan amal rantai farmasi preskripsi terbesar di Malaysia, Alpro telah bekerjasama dengan pelukis terkenal, Wan Jamila Wan Shaiful Bahri atau lebih dikenali sebagai ARTJAMILA bagi mengumpulkan dana untuk komuniti Autisme di negara ini. Inisiatif tersebut menyaksikan Yayasan Alpro melancarkan koleksi tisu basah edisi terhad Alpro X ARTJAMILA yang

Yayasan Alpro Bekerjasama dengan Pelukis Autisme Terkemuka Untuk Membantu Komuniti Autisme di Malaysia Read More »

Pharmacy chain Alpro collaborates with savant artist to raise funds for autistic community

Paw (left) receiving a signed memento from Wan Jamila. KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 2): Alpro Foundation, the charity arm of prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy, is collaborating with a local savant artist to raise funds for the autism community in the country. In a statement, Alpro Foundation chief executive officer (CEO) Ostwin Paw Yen Thng said the

Pharmacy chain Alpro collaborates with savant artist to raise funds for autistic community Read More »

Malaysia approves two RM39.90 Covid-19 self-test kits, here’s what you need to know

KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 — The Health Ministry (MoH) has just conditionally approved two Covid-19 self-test kits for import and distribution. This was done through the Medical Devices Authority (MDA), an organisation in the Ministry of Health in charge of enforcing medical device regulations and medical device registration. These Rapid Antigen Kits allow individuals to

Malaysia approves two RM39.90 Covid-19 self-test kits, here’s what you need to know Read More »

Malaysia approves two RM39.90 COVID-19 self-test kits, here’s what you need to know

The Health Ministry (MOH) has just conditionally approved two COVID-19 self-test kits for import and distribution. This was done through the Medical Devices Authority (MDA), an organisation in the Ministry of Health in charge of enforcing medical device regulations and medical device registration. These Rapid Antigen Kits allow individuals to self-screen for COVID-19 for less

Malaysia approves two RM39.90 COVID-19 self-test kits, here’s what you need to know Read More »

Malaysia approves two RM39.90 Covid-19 self-test kits, here’s what you need to know

KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 — The Health Ministry (MoH) has just conditionally approved two Covid-19 self-test kits for import and distribution. This was done through the Medical Devices Authority (MDA), an organisation in the Ministry of Health in charge of enforcing medical device regulations and medical device registration. These Rapid Antigen Kits allow individuals to

Malaysia approves two RM39.90 Covid-19 self-test kits, here’s what you need to know Read More »

DOC2US Sets Two Malaysian Book of Records While Vaccinating Close to 40,000 Malaysians A Day

DOC2US, the first telemedicine provider in Malaysia in compliance with the Ministry of Health to provide digitally signed e-prescription services, today announced making it into the Malaysian Book of Records (MBOR) for the “First Digital Signature Electronic Prescription System” and the “Most Number of Digitally Signed Electronic Prescription In A Year”. DOC2US is the first

DOC2US Sets Two Malaysian Book of Records While Vaccinating Close to 40,000 Malaysians A Day Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy Warns Against Self-Medicating With Ivermectin For Covid-19

KUALA LUMPUR, June 25 — Alpro Pharmacy has been keeping tabs on the ongoing conversations around the potential use of the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin in treating Covid-19 patients in Malaysia.  Currently, no human use of ivermectin is approved and registered in Malaysia. All approved medications containing ivermectin in Malaysia is only for animal use. Its

Alpro Pharmacy Warns Against Self-Medicating With Ivermectin For Covid-19 Read More »

大专药剂大型疫苗线上讲座 | Alpro Pharmacy COVID-19 Vaccination Online Webinar

https://www.sinchew.com.my/content/content_2485552.html 【疫苗线上讲座反应热 | 3 主讲人解答迷思】 Newspaper Coverage on Sin Chew Daily Negeri Sembilan, dated 30th May 2021. On 29th May 2021, Alpro Pharmacy, together with  i. Persatuan Guru-Guru Tadika ii. Persatuan Guru Besar-Guru Besar Negeri Sembilan iii. AMC Medical Clinics Seremban 2 iv. Sin Chew Daily Negeri Sembilan Hosted a public seminar addressing concerns on

大专药剂大型疫苗线上讲座 | Alpro Pharmacy COVID-19 Vaccination Online Webinar Read More »

Alpro基金会Metabolic Basic计划向有需要人士伸援手

家中是否有病患需大量营养奶粉来进行导管喂食(tube feeding)而导致经济出现困境? Alpro基金会Metabolic Basic计划向有需要人士伸援手…. 阅读更多   Metabolic Basic It means more than fulfilling basic needs for a tube feeding patient Everyone hopes to be healthy Achieving goals in life Spending time on hobbies and things we like Traveling around the world Believe to see. We believe that you can make it through With sufficient nutrients

Alpro基金会Metabolic Basic计划向有需要人士伸援手 Read More »

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