
Unlocking The Secrets Of Healthy Aging

By Alpro Pharmacy

June 5, 2024

Understanding the Aging Heart

Aging is a biological process that results in progressive and irreversible decline in  structural, biochemical, and function across all organs and systems. This includes  functional decline in homeostatic regulation, promoting an increase in tissue damage,  consequently results in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVDs).  

CVD, which is responsible for over 4 million annual deaths in Europe, remains one of  the leading causes of death worldwide. However, it is never too late to strengthen  your heart because “A Healthy Lifestyle Matters at All Ages” (British Heart  Foundation”. In fact, it is the perfect time to get moving and keep those hearts  pumping in the most enjoyable ways possible! 

In this article, we will explore the concept of living an active lifestyle and share some  tips for you to make sure that you can stay active every day for Healthier Heart!

Vital Tips To Maintain Cardiovascular Fitness And Mental Well-being In Your Golden Years

In general, living an active lifestyle means getting no less than 30 minutes of moderate exercises most days of the week. While moderate exercise is anything that  can get your heart rate up and makes you sweat a little, being active does not  necessarily always have to be boring. The important tip is to find an activity that you  enjoy doing and that you can stick with on a regular basis! 

Exercise Strategies: Maintaining Cardiovascular Fitness in Older Adults

There are numerous advantages to increasing your level of activity beyond simply  maintaining good health. Engaging in regular physical activity has been proven to  enhance mental well-being, boost energy levels, and aid in weight management. It  also plays a significant role in enhancing cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. 

Moreover, embracing an active lifestyle can decrease stress levels, enhance sleep  quality, and mitigate the likelihood of chronic health issues. So, if you are looking to  enhance your overall health and wellness, consider integrating physical activity into  your daily routine. 

Although initiating an exercise routine may seem intimidating, it doesn’t have to be  overwhelming. Even incorporating a 30-minute walk into your daily schedule can  result in a big difference. And, as you become more fit, you can gradually ramp up the intensity and duration of your workouts. So, get this journey started today and relish  the numerous benefits of an active lifestyle! 

Discover a variety of physical activities that you and your family can do together to  stay active and vibrant, while adding the joy of movements and laughter through these  heart healthy activities that boost your and your family cardiovascular health.  

Top 5 Family Activities To Promote Healthier Hearts in Seniors



Take a stroll down the neighborhood parks  or even adventure trails. Walking not only is  a great way to keep your heart pumping, but  also adds a social element to the exercise  when you do it with your family members. 


From planting to tending to your garden,  gardening is not only therapeutic for your  mind, but also a fantastic low-impact  exercise. Plus, it keeps you moving without  putting excessive strain on your joints!  


Water aerobics or simply swimming laps in  your residential pool can be refreshing and a  heart-healthy activity. The water resistance  provides a full-body workout, while the  buoyancy of the water reduces impacts on  your joints.



Whether it is ballroom dancing or simply a  dance around your living room, it is not just a delightful way to keep your blood flowing,  but also an excellent stress reliever! 


Cooking a heart-healthy meal from scratch  and experimenting new recipes that focus on  fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins not  only can ensure a heart-friendly diet, but it  can also be an enjoyable and rewarding  activity to do with your family.

Lifestyle Modifications: Tailoring Habits for Heart Health as We Age

Living an active lifestyle, it is not just all about exercises. There are numerous simple  ways to incorporate activity into your everyday schedule. And just by adding a small  number of physical activities into your day can contribute positively to your overall  health. For example, take a walk during your lunch break, use the stairs instead of the  elevator, or park further away in the lot. So next time when you are tempted to hit the snooze button, remember that getting up and moving will benefit you more than  another hour of sleep ever could!

Non-movements Activities to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Mindful Eating: 

Eating Mindfully involves fully engaging your physical and emotional senses to  appreciate and enjoy the food choices you made and consumed. This facilitates individuals to select foods that are both satisfying and nourishing for the body. 

Food that can prevent heart attack: 

According to National Health Services (NHS), eating a healthy balanced diet is one of  the key factors to preventing a heart attack. A mediterranean-style diet that includes  eating more of 1) whole-grain bread, rice and paste; 2) vegetables; 3) fruits; 4) fish;  while eating less meat and limiting foods high in saturated fat is highly recommended  by the NHS.  

Regular Sleep Schedule: 

Regular sleeping schedule helps to restore our body, therefore lowering the risk of  heart diseases, strokes and diabetes. It is recommended that you get 7 to 8 hours of  sleep if your age is above 65 to reduce the chances of getting a heart attack.  

Decreased Tobacco and Alcohol Use: 

Studies suggest that decreased the use of tobacco and alcohol can improve your  heart’s function, increase cognitive function, lung function as well as prevent  dementia from occurring even after the age of 60. 

Need More Information? Talk to Our Expert!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Alpro ePharmacy or visit the nearest Alpro Pharmacy. Our team, consisting of pharmacists, doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists, audiologists and dietitians, is ready to assist and provide support.

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