
Selecting the Best Milk for Your Baby: Which is the “best”?

By Alpro Pharmacy

March 15, 2024

Parents, how to choose a suitable milk for your precious little one?

Breastfeeding is the best choice for infant feeding recommended by number of health organization was recommended including American Academy of Pediatrics and World Health Organization (WHO). The World Health Organization recommends that infant should be exclusively breastfed for first six months of life.

Breastfeeding is the best for baby

Breast milk nourishes and nurtures babies in ways no other form of sustenance can–so it’s no wonder breast milk is often referred to as “liquid gold.”  It is the only thing you can feed your baby that actually adapts to their needs

Breastfeeding is never been easy...

These challenges may affect whether mommies are able to continue and this may lead to the needs of  infant milk formula. Infant milk formula may contain different composition compare to breast milk but it’s mimic as closely as possible to breast milk composition.

How to choose a suitable milk for your precious little one?

So many infant milk formula in market. It’s make mommies outside doesn’t know which one infant milk formula is suitable for their babies. But actually, when we feed our babies infant milk formula we need to try first which one milk formula is suitable for your babies or you may ask professional opinion which milk formula is suitable for your babies. So, below is type of special milk formula in market that you can choose for your precious little one.

Types of special milk formula

With this, hope all mommies are able to choose a suitable milk for your precious baby. 

My Healthy Growth Journey @ Alpro Pharmacy

Alpro Pharmacy also offers the My Healthy Growth Journey Program, where you can bring your children to visit the nearest Alpro Pharmacy to measure their height and weight. Let’s work together to improve the health of the children in our country.

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