
Reasons for IRREGULAR period

By Alpro Pharmacy

February 21, 2023

No Signs of Period…

Myriad types of sanitary napkins and tampons filled your eyes as you walked past the women’s hygiene aisle in the pharmacy.

Standing in the middle of the aisle, you picked up your phone from your pocket to check the dates. Two weeks late!

How’s that possible? You’d been on the pill for the past 2 months and there’s still no signs of period.

You let out a sigh and walked straight to your clinic just a few blocks away.

Why is Your Period Late?

Having a late period might come as a surprise to you, especially if you’re not trying to get pregnant. Is it the time to take a test? Not so fast. The truth is, there are many reasons for late periods other than pregnancy. It can be affected by your health, age, diet, stress, and even exercise.

1. Stress

It’s one of the most common reasons for a delayed period. Too much stress can disrupt your hormonal balance and even affect the hypothalamus — the part of the brain responsible for regulating your periods.

If you are constantly stressed out, you might lose weight drastically or fall sick – all of which can impact your menstrual cycle. Speak to your doctor or a counselor if you’re experiencing chronic stress.

Exercise on a regular basis and make sure you get enough sleep during the night. Not only will it eliminate stress, it helps you to maintain a regular menstrual cycle.

2. Low body weight or obesity

You may experience the absence of menstruation if you have eating disorders including bulimia or anorexia nervosa. Being underweight, or your body is below 10% the normal range of your height can stop you from ovulating because of hormonal changes.

On the contrary, being overweight can also affect a woman’s menstrual cycle. This is because your body produces an excess amount of estrogen – one of the hormones that regulates your reproductive system. Consult your dietician or doctor about getting the appropriate amount of nutrients your body needs to regulate your monthly cycle.

3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where your ovary produce many harmless follicles that disable the eggs develop, which means ovulation does not take place. Thus, it’s common to have irregular or absent periods are common if you have this condition.

The symptoms vary between women. It can cause acne, excess facial and body hair, male-pattern baldness, obesity, and small cysts to develop on the ovaries. If you believe that you could be suffering from PCOS, talk to a doctor that can give you a proper diagnosis and prescribe the treatment that you need.

4. Too much exercise

Any exercise that require rigorous training, combined with other factors, such as stress, low body fat, or high-energy workout may adversely affect your cycle.

Losing too much body fat through intense exercise stops you ovulating. Reduce your level of activity if it has caused your period to stop.

If you’re a professional athlete, it’s beneficial to consult a doctor who specialises in sports medicine. Take the advice about how to maintain your performance without disrupting your periods.

5. Sleep Schedule

Switching to a night shift? Travelling to a different time zone? Staying up late? If you notice your period doesn’t give you a holler on time due to lack of sleep, consider readjusting your snooze to regulate your period.

Not getting enough sleep can impact your hormones, such as your melatonin levels that plays a part of regulating your menstrual cycle.

Any disruptions to your circadian rhythm — the internal clock that regulates important cellular processes — can cause you to experience irregular periods.

6. Thyroid issues

Did you know, having thyroid dysfunction can disturb your menstrual cycle? The thyroid regulates your body’s metabolism and produces hormones that help regulate the body’s processes.

If you have an overactive or underactive thyroid gland, chances are, you could miss or delay your period. Fortunately, there are treatments for thyroid disorders. Consult an endocrinologist for a blood test if you believe this might be an issue for you.

7. Birth control

Did you know your menstrual cycle changes when you are off or starting your birth control? The pills contain progesterone and estrogen that prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs.

It’s perfectly normal to get irregular periods once you start or stop birth control. It might take a few months for your period to become regular again.

Other types of contraception that are implanted or injected can cause missed period too.

Having Late Period?

You are not alone!

If you go without your period for several months and your missed periods persist, visit your doctor or get advice from a pharmacist.

Article Adopted from: Bayer Co.(Malaysia)
Original Article

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