
Myth about Covid-19 Vaccine In Malaysia

By Pharmacist Bryan

March 1, 2021

Covid 19 Vaccine Malaysia

It is looking more likely that the Covid-19 pandemic is coming to an end with the arrival of the Covid-19 vaccine in Malaysia. That’s good news to all of us in Malaysia and the world in general. But many people in Malaysia are still hesitant and not fully convinced by the effectiveness of the vaccine. Due to this, majority of them are not registering to get vaccinated as they worry that the vaccine could do more harm than good to them. There are a few myths surrounding the Covid-19 vaccine in Malaysia that is clouding the judgement of many people. With this article, we look to debunk the myths and hopefully provide answers to the many questions that are holding back a majority people from getting vaccinated.

The vaccine is unsafe. Some countries have reported deaths following the administration of the vaccine.

The vaccines undergo various clinical trials and testing. They have to meet certain safety standards before they are rolled out to the public. Our Health Ministry will also review the vaccines thoroughly. In fact, the phase 3 trials vaccine trials have shown to have 100% protection from death and hospitalizations. While it is true that deaths have been recorded but a closer look tells us that these deaths are not caused by the vaccine itself but are due to many other causes.

The vaccine will cause side effects and severe allergic reactions.

Side effects such as fever, muscle and joint pain, tiredness, pain/swelling at injection site have been reported by some individual. These side effects are similar to those of other vaccines, but these side effects are minor and temporary. It means that the vaccine is working well, and it is our immune system’s normal response to the vaccines. The full list of the side effect of the Covid-19 Vaccine in Malaysia can be found on It is really rare that people experience severe allergic reactions, but it may occur in those who have prior history of allergic reactions to vaccine. So, the vaccine might not be suitable for them. However, even if it does occur in an unsuspecting individual, it will be safely monitored in a healthcare facility to ensure that it will be well managed.

The vaccine will alter my DNA

There will not be any form of interaction or alteration between the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine and our DNA. What the vaccine does is, it teaches our cells to produce a harmless protein that mimics the Covid-19 protein to trigger our immune system to produce antibodies to target the specific protein. This is to ensure that when the real virus does enter our bodies, our bodies already have the antibody ready. Our DNA is kept in the nucleus of our cells and the mRNA will never enter the nucleus.

It is better to wait for herd immunity from natural infections

Herd immunity is when a large part of a population becomes immune to a cause of the disease creating barriers that stops the disease from spreading. Herd immunity is an indirect protection from a disease. There are only 2 ways of achieving this. The first way is through recovery from the disease and the second way is through vaccination. In order for herd immunity to be reached, it is estimated that 80-95% of the population will need to be immune. If we were to wait for natural infections, the virus would need to infect 80-95% of the population. This is very dangerous and not practical as it puts the high-risk groups at risk, especially the elderly.

The vaccine will cause infertility in women

The purpose of all vaccines including the Covid-19 vaccines is to trigger our bodies to produce antibodies to fight off the virus that is causing the infection. There has NOT been any evidence regarding any vaccines including the Covid-19 vaccines that states future pregnancies or fertility would be affected by the antibodies produced. There is no issue for you in getting the vaccine if you are planning to start a family. However, if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding, there are not enough evidence of use in this category for its use, unless specifically advised by a medical doctor.

So, should you get vaccinated?

You should get vaccinated unless you have these following conditions:

  • History of severe allergies
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Tested positive for Covid-19
  • Immune system issues
  • 18 years old and below

One can register for the vaccination via the MySejahtera app, through the website, or through registration at government and private healthcare facilities. In time, our government will also open up more channels such as a hotline and outreach programs to help us fellow Malaysians to receive the vaccine. Appointment details will then be sent via the MySejahtera app, through a phone call or through SMS once it is confirmed.

Lets us all do our part, lets get vaccinated.

Lets protect ourselves, lets protect us all

PS: Yes the vaccine is here, but please don’t forget to continue to wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash your hands. Please do not take your safety and the safety of others around just because the vaccine is here. Keep yourself protected and safe with the complete Covid-19 Protection here.

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