
More Milk, Less Worry: Your Essential Breastfeeding Guide

By Alpro Pharmacy

February 26, 2025

Understanding Low Breast Milk Supply: A Common Concern Among Mothers

Many new mothers worry about low breast milk production, fearing they may not provide enough nutrition for their baby. This concern is often exacerbated by societal pressure and misinformation. While some women do experience genuine low milk supply due to medical conditions such as hormonal imbalances or insufficient glandular tissue, the majority of perceived low supply cases are due to incorrect breastfeeding techniques, stress, or infrequent nursing (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2021).

How to Increase Breast Milk Supply Naturally

Breast milk production works on a demand-and-supply principle. The more frequently and effectively a baby nurses, the more milk the body produces. Here are key strategies to boost milk supply:

Supplements and Ingredients for Breast Milk Boosting

Certain supplements and foods, known as galactagogues, can support lactation. Popular and evidence-backed options include:

  • Fenugreek: A herbal remedy commonly used to enhance milk supply (Bazzano et al., 2021).
  • Blessed Thistle: Works well in combination with fenugreek.
  • Moringa: Rich in vitamins and minerals that support lactation.
  • Oatmeal and Whole Grains: Provide essential nutrients and help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  • Brewer’s Yeast: Contains B vitamins and iron, which may enhance milk production.
  • Soy Lecithin: Helps prevent and reduce clogged milk ducts, promoting better milk flow.
  • Vitamin B Complex: Supports energy metabolism and overall maternal health, aiding in consistent milk production.

Products like Yumieon Milkiss contain scientifically selected ingredients to support lactation, ensuring that mothers have access to a convenient and effective milk booster.

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立即入手 YuMieon MilKiss,让母乳喂养更顺畅!

母乳是宝宝最好的营养,妈妈的奶量是否充足至关重要。YuMieon MilKiss 帮助妈妈自然提升母乳量,缓解哺乳压力,让宝宝喝得饱,妈妈更安心!每日简单冲泡,轻松催乳,赶紧尝试吧!

Emotional Impact of Low Breast Milk Supply

Mothers who struggle with low milk supply often experience feelings of guilt, sadness, and even postpartum depression. It is essential to recognize that breastfeeding challenges are common and do not define one’s ability to be a good mother. Seeking professional support from lactation consultants and having a strong support system can make a significant difference (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021).

Breastfeeding Can Start Immediately After Delivery

Initiating breastfeeding within the first hour of birth, known as the “golden hour,” has significant benefits:

  • Stimulates Milk Production: Early suckling promotes the release of oxytocin and prolactin.
  • Enhances Bonding: Strengthens the mother-baby connection.
  • Improves Baby’s Immunity: Colostrum, the first milk, is rich in antibodies.

Mothers should be encouraged to start breastfeeding as soon as possible and seek lactation support if needed.


Breastfeeding is a natural process that requires knowledge, patience, and support. By understanding how milk supply works and utilizing natural boosters, mothers can enhance their breastfeeding journey with confidence.

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If you have any health-related questions, you can consult our medical professionals at MamaBe Expert Group. Our pharmacists are ready to assist you.

Disclaimer: Regardless of the date of the content on the website, no content is a substitute for direct medical advice from a qualified healthcare professional.


  • American Academy of Pediatrics. (2021). Breastfeeding and human lactation guidelines.
  • Bazzano, A. N., Cenac, L., Brandt, A. J., Barnett, J., Thibeau, S., & Theall, K. P. (2021). Maternal experiences with fenugreek for lactation support. Journal of Human Lactation, 37(1), 163-173.
  • World Health Organization. (2021). Infant and young child feeding: Model chapter for textbooks.
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