
Facts Of Manuka Honey

By Alpro Pharmacy

March 22, 2022

Manuka Honey is made by bees that pollinate the Manuka flower, native from New Zealand. It is markedly viscous because of the presence of a protein or colloid.

Manuka Honey is typical dark cream to dark brown colour. It has a strong flavour, being described by the New Zealand honey industry as having a “damp earth, heather, aromatic” aroma and a “mineral, slightly bitter” flavour.

Why is Manuka Honey expensive?

✔ Earthier, richer, and more viscous than many other honey.

✔ It comes from the nectar of the flower leptospermum scoparium (Manuka Flower) which is only native in New Zealand.

✔ The most rare honey – represents only 1% of the world honey.

✔ Difficult to harvest – only 2 to 6 weeks harvesting period.

✔ The flower only blossom for 12 days.

✔ New Zealand’s honey is protected by a quality standard that safeguards Manuka’s special properties. The New Zealand government has set up a standard to say what is Manuka Honey.

The Grading System Of Manuka Honey

✔ Manuka Honey is tested in lab to identify its unique compounds:

  • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA)
  • Methylglyoxal (MGO)
  • Hydroxymenthylfurfural (HMF)

✔ The concentration of the compounds were also measured for consumer to expect the potency of the antimicrobial properties.

✔ To avoid fraud, the honey were also tested for leptosperin which trace the origin of the honey. Leptosperin is the marker that is unique to the nectar of leptospermum scoparium.

Health benefits of Manuka Honey

✔ Applied topically, Manuka Honey effectively treats burns, ulcers and non-healing wounds. It has also been shown to combat antibiotic-resistant strains of infections, such as MRSA.

✔ Research shows Manuka Honey inhibits the growth of harmful oral bacteria that can cause gingivitis and tooth decay. Unlike refined sugar, it has not been shown to cause tooth decay.

✔ Manuka honey can help treat sore throats. Research shows it attacks bacteria that causes soreness, especially in patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.

✔ Manuka Honey has been shown to attack harmful bacteria that cause upper respiratory infections in individuals with cystic fibrosis, but further studies are needed.

✔ Manuka Honey’s ability to treat acne appear favorable given its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

✔ The research is mixed, but Manuka Honey’s potent antibacterial effects may help treat gastric ulcers caused by H. pylori. It may also prevent alcohol-induced gastric ulcers.

✔ Manuka honey may decrease inflammation in individuals with IBS. It may also be effective at attacking C. diff.

Is Manuka Honey Safe?

✔ For most people, Manuka Honey is safe to consume.

✔ However, some people should consult a doctor before using it, including

  • People with diabetes. All types of honey are high in natural sugar. Therefore, consuming Manuka Honey may affect blood sugar levels.
  • Those allergic to honey or bees. Those allergic to other types of honey or bees may have an allergic reaction after ingesting or applying Manuka Honey.
  • Infants. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend giving honey to babies younger than one due to the risk of infant botulism, a type of foodborne illness.

Try Manuka Honey Now!

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