
Children’s Eyes Need Extra Protection!

By Alpro Pharmacy

December 20, 2022

Why do children’s eyes need extra protection?

Children are more exposed than adults to light due to their lifestyle. They are less protected from the harmful effects of UV and Blue-Violet light because their eyes are not yet fully developed. It is believed that 80% of what children learn is through the eyes. Children who can see better will learn better.

Facts of children's Eyes

Nowadays, kids are exposed to electronic devices such as phones, tablets and computers for entertainment or learning purposes. Long-time exposure to screen time will cause eye fatigue, dry and irritated eyes, short-sightedness, loss of focus, headache and etc. 

Do you know the facts that:

    • Children tend to spend a lot of time outdoors: on average, their annual UV exposure is 3 times higher than for adults.
    • Children’s pupils are larger, which means that they let in more UV and Blue-Violet light.
    • Their crystalline lens is more transparent, meaning it is less efficient at filtering out UV.
    • If both parents are short-sighted, your child is 7 times more likely to be too.

Warning Signs of eyesight issues

Children won’t necessarily know if something is wrong with their eyes, so do not assume their eyesight is normal.  

Look out for these warning signs in your child:

    • Rubbing eyes
    • Having excessively watery eyes
    • Sitting very close to the TV or holding books/objects close to their face
    • Being clumsy and having poor hand/eye coordination
    • Eyes sensitive to light (closing one eye when they go out in bright sunshine)

The eyes issue in children can lead to dry eye syndrome, macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Tips to keep Eyes Healthy

Some tips for you to take care of your and your loved ones’ eyes!

    • Limit the screen time
    • Practice healthy eating (includes fruits, leafy greens and omega-3 fatty acids to prevent eye issue
    • Get enough sleep and rest
    • Spending time outside can help prevent short sightedness.
    • Schedule regular eye check-ups

1. Cordyceps Cicadae

Cordyceps cicadae is one of the oldest and most well-known traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The research has shown that it can help to improve dry eye symptoms by increasing tear production. Besides, it prevents glaucoma formation and steroid-induced eye problems by increasing tear film break-up time. Cordyceps Cicadae show good results when compared to treatment with eye drops.

2. Lutein & Zeaxanthin

Lutein and zeaxanthin can help protect the eyes from harmful high-energy wavelength of blue light. They act as natural sunblock by absorbing excess light energy. Studies suggest that adequate intake of this substance is good for eyes tissue to prevent Macular degeneration.

3. DHA

DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid found in high concentrations in the retina and is essential for normal retinal function. A whopping 93% of your eyes omega 3 fatty acid content is DHA.

4. Blueberry and Acai Berry Extract

High amount of antioxidant that may lower oxidative stress and inflammation hence promoting brain health and improving eye function

5. L-lysine

Lysine supports growth and development in children.

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