
7 OTC Products Pregnant Moms Should Handle with Care

By Alpro Pharmacy

August 2, 2024

Key Points:

  • Always consult your healthcare provider before using any OTC medications during pregnancy, including herbal remedies.

  • Be cautious with products like aspirin, lindane, stimulant laxatives, iodine-based gargles, methyl salicylates, licorice-containing syrups, and retinol skincare due to potential risks to the fetus.

  • Choose safer alternatives and limit the use of questionable products during pregnancy to protect both mother and baby.

Pregnancy is a critical time to be vigilant about over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Here are seven common OTC products that pregnant mothers should be cautious with, along with why they should always consult a pharmacist before use:

Aspirin for Pain and Fever

Attributing ingredient: Acetyl Salicylic Acid-A Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) used for pain relief.

While low-dose aspirin (less than 150mg/day) can be safe in early pregnancy for preventing preeclampsia and other conditions, higher doses in the third trimester may cause serious complications like premature closure of the ductus arteriosus and renal injury. Always consult your O&G doctor before using aspirin.


Attributing ingredient: Lindane also known gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane, used to treat scabies and lice infestations.

Lindane is typically avoided during pregnancy due to potential toxic side effects if not used correctly. Alternatives that are better studied and safer for use during pregnancy are recommended.

Bisacodyl and Senna (Stimulant Laxatives)

Attributing ingredient: Bisacodyl and Senna- Used to treat constipation.

While minimal absorption occurs and they are not linked to malformations, they can cause side effects like abdominal cramps and potentially lead to electrolyte imbalances with prolonged use. Use under medical guidance is advised.


Attributing ingredient: Povidone-Iodine-used as antiseptic mouthwash and gargle.

It can be absorbed systemically, affecting maternal and fetal thyroid hormone levels. There are reports of neonatal hypothyroidism following prolonged use. It’s best to avoid topical iodine preparations during pregnancy due to these potential risks.

Methyl Salicylates Containing Products

Attributing ingredient: Methyl Salicylate-used for temporary relief of minor aches and pains in muscles and joints associated with strains, bruises and sprains.

There is limited data on its safety during pregnancy. Cases of fetal malformations and reversible ductus arteriosus constriction have been reported following use. Consider safer alternatives during pregnancy, and if necessary, use topically in small amounts and for short durations.


Attributing ingredient: Contains licorice, used as herbal cough preparation.

Preparation containing licorice is suitable for pregnant women as it can lead to complications like preterm labor and developmental issues. Pregnant women should avoid licorice-containing products.

Retinol Skin Care Products

Attributing ingredient: Retinol used in anti-aging skin care products.

Retinoids are known to cause birth defects. Pregnant women should avoid skincare products containing retinol and opt for safer alternatives.

Always Consult Your Pharmacist

It’s crucial for pregnant mothers to consult healthcare provider before taking any OTC medications, including herbal remedies. Pharmacists can provide tailored advice, ensuring the safety of both mother and baby.

Remember: When it comes to medication during pregnancy, it’s always better to be safe and seek professional guidance.

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Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your qualified health professional.

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