
Experiment Time! Safe Medication Disposal 废弃药物安全处理实验时间

你想不想知道如果把废弃或过期的药物乱丢进马桶里🚽……会发生什么事呢⁉️ 带着你的好奇心❗因为大专药剂行将借次机会以实验⚗️的方式让各位小药师明白乱丢弃药物💊会对我们的环境造成怎样的污染。 日期:9月24(星期六) & 25日(星期日) 时间:11am – 11.30am & 2pm – 2.30pm 地点:芙蓉新城 S2 Club 所以我们诚心邀请各位家长和小药师们在9月24日以及25日到S2 Club大厅与我们一同见证与守护大自然🌍 爱护环境,从你我开始👇 点击报名

Experiment Time! Safe Medication Disposal 废弃药物安全处理实验时间 Read More »

Support Safe Medication Disposal: Sign A Pledge

Due to human ignorance of handling medications, pharmaceutical pollution is getting more serious all over the world. Did you know that Improper disposal of medication will pollute underground water and the source of our drinking water? Our current wastewater treatment system is not designed to eliminate pharmaceutical contaminants. If all these pharmaceutical contaminants enter the

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Alpro’s United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP)

Today, Alpro Pharmacy is pleased to share our United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP), demonstrating our ongoing commitment to responsible business action in support of broader societal goals. As part of our continued engagement with the United Nations Global Compact and its Ten Principles, this report outlines our efforts to support and uphold

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We are a Certified Member of UNGC

Alpro Pharmacy, The FIRST Community Pharmacy to Become Certified Member of United Nation Global Compact Today,  Alpro Pharmacy is pleased to announce that we have joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) initiative — a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation, and disclosure of responsible business practices. With this announcement, Alpro Pharmacy is proud

We are a Certified Member of UNGC Read More »

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