Health Talk

Together as ONE: A Workshop for Type 1 Diabetes Warriors and Their Parents

Embark the journey with us! Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is often diagnosed during the early stages of infancy, childhood, or young adulthood, bringing with it a profound impact on the entire family’s way of living.  In light of this, SugO365, Alpro Pharmacy has organised a T1DM workshop for all parents to bring along your children […]

Together as ONE: A Workshop for Type 1 Diabetes Warriors and Their Parents Read More »

2-Day Webinar: Support Your Breastfeeding Journey

International Breastfeeding Month: Support Your Breastfeeding Journey through Motherhood Knowledge Pool Motherhood is not easy, especially the breastfeeding journey can be tougher than imagined. Alpro Pharmacy is celebrating International Breastfeeding Month this August and we are honored to have 4 professional speakers share their knowledge and experience in the motherhood journey! Let’s make your motherhood

2-Day Webinar: Support Your Breastfeeding Journey Read More »


报名免费!😱 欢迎鼓励家长踊跃参与, 首100名报名者有机会参与幸运抽奖, 神秘惊喜礼物等着你们呢! 点击报名 点击加入大专校园特工队 *偷偷告诉你:当天出席者有机会获得小药师特工队特别为您准备的限量小礼物。 (获取方式会在线上讲座公布)

大专小药师特工队-线上校园讲座【BB冠病确认发烧正确护理&迷思】 Read More »

Decoding COVID-19 Myths

There’s a lot of information circulating about COVID-19, so it’s important to know what’s true and what’s not. This talk will address the common misconceptions of COVID-19. Date: 11/9/2021 Time: 3pm Medium: English Join our experienced speakers as they explain everything there is to know about myths of Covid-19 and also answer your questions and clear your

Decoding COVID-19 Myths Read More »

Webinar: Implementation of Medical Cost Management via Telemedicine Service

With the rising cost of healthcare and the financial effects that Covid-19 has caused for companies globally, it calls for a better medical cost management for employees. Through this webinar, you will be able to understand the effective strategies of cost management via tele-medicine service. Join our experienced speakers as they explain everything there is

Webinar: Implementation of Medical Cost Management via Telemedicine Service Read More »

健康第一步,从饮食做起!Healthy Eating, Happy Growing!

2018的1月23号,大专小药师特工队一行人来到了老港中华华小展开一场校园健康饮食讲座会,现场约有110位从一年级至六年级的同学踊跃出席讲座会。 营养师从各种食物的营养价值入手,根据他们这个年龄阶段以及身体发育的状况,除了分析主食荤素搭配的重要性,还引导学生们如何合理地从食物中获取营养。 谈到“吃”,同学们总是充满了热情!在讲座过程中,大家认真听讲,还非常友善地和营养师互动交流。营养师姐姐还说:“你们虽然只是一年级的新生,但懂的东西还可真不少哦!” 通过这次营养讲座,同学们不仅了解了蛋、豆类、肉类、蔬菜、谷类等食物的标准使用方式以及每天的食用量,还懂得每天该摄入的主食、蔬菜、肉的合理比例! 而下半阶段时间,营养师特工队则教导小学生们如何使用 Breakfast 228 营养早餐谷类制成美味营养的果酱,然后再串上奇异果,小番茄和葡萄,一个健康的水果三文治串就大功告成啦!! 整个过程中,小学生们满脸笑容,做了一串又一串,有些小同学更把他们亲手制作的作品,带回给爸爸妈妈分享呢! 孩子健康的第一步,必须从营养均衡的饮食开始!让孩子拥有健康的身体,迈向健康的人生! 2018 23rd of March, Alpro Pharmacy have starting conduct the first “Healthy Awareness Talk” in 2018 at SJK(C) Chung Hwa Pasir Panjang. Dietitian Yen Leen and Nutritionist Sze Ling conducted “Healthy Eating, Happy Growing” school-based talk at SJK (C) Chung Hwa Pasir Panjang. There are

健康第一步,从饮食做起!Healthy Eating, Happy Growing! Read More »

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