

“Easy-Peasy Plate” Family Cooking Challenge

By Alpro Pharmacy

February 8, 2021

This Easy Peasy Plate Family Cooking Challenge is an online cooking competition that is designed to encourage the engagement of parents and children during MCO. By participating in this challenge, children’s get to learn new skills and this also presents a great opportunity to foster the parent and children relationship. The challenge ingrains the idea of using “suku suku separuh” for a healthy diet   This challenge will take place from  8/2 /2021– 28/2/2021.



The prizes and winners are chosen based on certain criteria. There are two prize categories with the first being “Most Likes” which will be chosen based on the popularity of that post.

The next category is “Most Healthy & Creative”. This will be judged by our nutritionist and dietician.

Both “Most Likes” & “Most Healthy” categories are entitled for:

The Grand Prize: Trophy + Certificate + 15,000 Alpro points + Gift Hamper worth RM290

How to Join?

So how do you take up this challenge? Its very simple. Just follow these steps.

Step 1: Create a healthy and creative recipe

Step 2: Take 4 photos

  • 1st  Photo: Take a photo of your ingredients
  • 2nd Photo: Take a photo of preparation/cooking with your child
  • 3rd Photo: Take a photo of the dish arranged on a healthy plate concept
  • 4th Photo: Take a photo of you and your child with the dish/plate.

Step 3: Create a post

  • Upload the 4 photos as above (Ensure the post is set to be viewed by public)
  • Craft caption according to this template: Hi, my name is [your name] and my child’s name is [child’s name], aged [child’s age] and together we are preparing [dish name]. 
  • include these hashtags: #EasyPeasyPlateFamilyCookingChallenge #AlproPharmacy #EveryMorning
  • Tag at least 3 of your friends in the Facebook post

Step 4: Like & follow  EveryMorning Multigrains Facebook Page. 

Step 5: Fill in your name & contact information in the form

(Tips: If you are able to feature any EveryMorning product, it will be a plus point!)

Judging Criterias

The participants will be judged according to certain criteria as below:

1. Healthy (40%)

Participants able to portray excellent healthy food choices complying to the principle of:

  • Moderation, Balance and Variety according to Healthy plate concept.
  • Low Sugar, salt and fat.

2.Appearance of entry / Presentation(20%)

Participants plated the menu attractively. Menu has great “eye appeal”.

3.Simple Recipe (easy to prepare) (20%)

Used a simple recipe where little skills and time is required to prepare.

3. Creativity (10%)

An original idea that is designed to attract audience attention.


Terms & Conditions: We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy from time to time without prior notice.   


Our Participants

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