Beat the Flu Before It Beats You— Get Vaccinate!

By Alpro Pharmacy

July 30, 2024

Beyond Medication, How Flu Vaccine Helps in Combating Influenza Virus

Influenza, also known as the flu is an infectious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that spreads in the nose, throat, and lungs. This virus is common worldwide, causing a consistent health impact throughout the year. It causes illnesses of different severity and in some cases, can result in hospitalization and even death.

Initially, the flu may resemble a cold with symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing. Colds usually start slowly whereas flu gives its effects quickly.  While a cold can be uncomfortable, the flu typically makes you feel much worse. Common symptoms include dry cough, headache, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue.

While most individuals recover from these symptoms without needing medical attention, Influenza can cause severe illness or death, particularly among high-risk groups. These groups include children, pregnant women, the elderly, healthcare workers, and those with serious medical conditions.

In temperature climates, influenza epidemics primarily occur during the winter months. However, the flu can appear throughout the year in tropical regions, resulting in more outbreaks.

Prevention of severe illness

The flu vaccine can reduce the risk of flu illness when the vaccine is well-matched with the circulating flu viruses. The effectiveness of the flu vaccine in providing protection differs among populations. Generally, the standard flu vaccine works more effectively for individuals under age of 65. Older adults and people with certain medical conditions may develop a lower level of immunity after taking the flu shot.

Although the vaccine doesn’t fully prevent the flu, it still lowers the severity of the illness. It also may prevent further complications and the need for hospitalization.

Protection against multiple strains

Since flu viruses are constantly evolving and adapting, it is important to get the latest flu vaccines from one season to the next to shield against the newly emerged strains of viruses. Research predicts the outbreak will occur in the upcoming flu season. Additionally, the immunity formed from a flu vaccine decreases over time, making annual vaccination necessary for the best protection.

Herd immunity

The flu vaccine contributes to herd immunity, fighting against the virus. It is the idea when the majority of people receive the flu vaccine, it shields the entire population by lowering the number of infected individuals who can transmit the highly contagious illness.

The flu vaccine plays a vital role in for both public health and individual well-being. It reduces the severity of infections, prevents illness, shields vulnerable people, and supports healthcare systems. By increasing herd immunity, the flu vaccine contributes to a healthier and stronger society. Annual updates ensure the continuation of efficacy against changing virus strains, making it essential in the ongoing fight against influenza.

Vaccinate Against Flu. Protect your family and loved ones.

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